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breed: ifrit

eyes - #0ea803 with #eddf61 center and striations.
there is a sort of skipped generational size in regards to ifrit and his father and son. his agility is certainly improved and his strength is still nothing to sniff at, but he is positively average in speed and endurance. he weighs a decent 200 lbs, which comes more from muscle than fat that mainly situates towards his neck and shoulders in the front and his lower haunches into his hocks. his propulsion is pretty good because of this sort of build. his color is true to his bloodline as far back as can be remembered. reds (not true red, but the closest natural equivalent seems to be sienna and rust and a black that has a red undertone instead of the more full gray or blue-black). then there’s the tans and whites that make up his markings. finally he has the ticking and tips of black intermixed across his top half. he is thickly furred like his father, but the length is not quite as wisping.


siegos - father (born to a red and gold pair)
eyes - #ffc800 - Molten Gold with Yellow and White Striations.
impressive muscle mass. He has brutal strength that is completely dependant on his size and backed up by his quickness of bite and lunge. He has immensely thick and dense bone structure.
His coat is a dense undercoat with a medium fur across the entirety of his body. The only exception is a slightly longer fur along cheeks, scruff, topline, and under his belly and tail. He is primarily reds, whites, and blacks. He has a haze of tan over the white from behind his shoulders to the tip of his tail. The white on his legs and face and throat are pure white. The ruddy orange reds are intermixed with his black dorsal restrained saddle. The most pure red is localized around his scruff and on his face. He has white eyebrows and white marks under his eyes.

asthore - mother (born to a typical gray pair)
35in /90lbs
eyes - #a7d192 - a pale forest green.
asthore is petite and almost fragile looking, due to her lineage she remains on the small side. her coat is a brilliant mixture of dark grays, reds, and tans.


PUP STAT TOKEN (it said i had to use it at the time of breeding, so this only applies if they conceive…)


#ede161 on the inside and #1ea30f on the outside.

in regards to this pup, first of his litter (if there is a litter), he carries his father’s bloodline. he is a deep wolf-red as his father was on top, and fading as it moved down. his secondary color is a gold tribute to his great grandparent and is found as eyebrow marks, underliner and a trim of the white mark across his neck above his shoulders. the white of his mother appears in a kissmark at the front of his muzzle, a crescent scruff mark, white eartips, and a white tail tip.

as for size, he is truly a grandson of siegos. he surpasses his father despite his mother, or perhaps in spite of. both his parents make him immense in his strength and his build reflects that, though his mother’s body did allow for a rather sleek way to carry his bulk and the strength of long leg. his scruff and tail have the thickest of his fur, his topline having the sleeker, as well as having a very downy underfur from his father. he is plush to the touch which makes him seem larger than he really is - improving on the appearance of strength.


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