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Password is hound.

It seems everyone is busy elsewhere. Even my carefree band of Gypsies seems to have dissolved into the powdery shadows of Winter. I am aware that Pompeii has been discovered by her Imprint, and as such has fallen under the spell of the magickal bond. I hear rumors through her brother Hawthorn that the russet female is with Child. It seems like everywhere I turn there is romance in the air. Wolves were separating off into pairs to go off into the private places of Moladian to do whatever it is that Lovers do.

I would not Know what that is... I mean, I Knew what happens between a male and a female that brings about Cubs. But I cannot say that I know firsthand. Or what it is to feel Lust or Love. The closest I've ever come to grasping such emotions was the strong emotional tie I felt to that dark hooded boy Asa, who'd saved me from the jaws of a hungry gator in the swamps when I was a girl. But that was Worlds away, and Asa had died in the Meteor Shower.

Then there was my so-called Imprint Jehu... though the giant red brute had been missing since that same Catastrophe, and though I could have sworn I'd caught scant traces of his scent lingering in the tradewinds when we gypsies first returned to Moladian... I have not seen hide nor hair nor any other evidence of his passage since that time.

Perhaps it is these truths that makes this Winter seem harsher then the ones before. The cold sting of the icy breeze seems more bitter against the svelte of my fur, even though it was a mild and sunny day. Or maybe that is the bite of Isolation and loneliness prickling along my spine? Without even Hawthorn's sage conversation to brighten my day, my paws are given to wander as they do... and so I find myself lingering within the eastern realm of the Crater.

I was deep within the heart of the massive basin, where a lake sprawls across the snow-blanketed scenery. It has not yet been covered over in ice, but bits of slush crust the edges of the shore and I am just adventurous enough to prance across the shallow cusp of ice that rims it's edge. I can feel it crackle and pop beneath my paws, but I move with such graceful, lithe mystique that hardly does a pad touch the surface before it lifts up again, never allowing enough of my weight to be placed to break through the thin slushy layer beneath.

Raspberry tip faces into the wind, drinking in the scents etched within it's scrolls, and it writes for me the story of a Mink's demise. A small hunter, a predator of small birds and rodents... but this day it had become the prey and soon enough I happen upon a smattering of crimson that litters the snow near the shore. Paw prints play out the murder scene before detailing the route the culprit had taken as means of escape.

Lavender eyes follow the trail easily, as I continue down the shoreline- until a large boulder comes into view. A flat, table-like stone from which the thick musk of a male wafted. Paws hesitate only slightly. I have never found much reason to fear strangers, but that does not mean that I am fool enough not to proceed with caution.

Audits flicker as the crunch of bones meat the sensitive cusp of my ears.

"Hello... ?" I call out softly, not really sure why I was even bothering. Certainly most wolves do not condone company while in the middle of Lunch. But with no one else around I guess I was a little hungry for company.

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