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Everlyse Stats

Name: Everlyse
Age: Six
Eyes: Vibrant Orange #E55811
Coat: Is plush and thick, has a silken soft feel to it. It runs a little heavier around her face and neck that extends to her shoulders and at her tail. Making her appear larger due to the excess fluff. In winter it keeps her well insulated though in the warmer seasons it does tend to become a burden.
Build: Due to her smaller height and yet heavier build it gives her a toned voluptuous feminine frame, curves and all. Her extra weight is well crafted and appealing, consisting of more muscle than fat. She is sturdily built, her body leaning more towards strength and endurance and yet speed tends to be a little lacking.
Color: A flawless white.
Height/Weight: 28 inches, 111 pounds

Mother: 29 inches, 102 pounds.
A vibrant orange. #E94A04
A smoother silken texture, with a slight plush hold.
Sturdy, yet more delicate in appearance. Well balanced. Sleek and designed for speed, with slight feminine curves.
Black with dark red/tan accents around her face, legs, shoulders, and chest. The accents or marbled in appearance creating a smooth blend.

Father: 39 inches, 197 pounds.
A deep purple #4B2870, with a golden center near pupil #E2A324.
Heavy and thick, plush.
Thickly muscled, toned and well crafted for strength and power, though speed is hindered due to weight.
A flawless white.

Attempt: Second, using automatic conception from enfy

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