mountain lion

Dec 2 8 a m Winchendon ma I left my house at 7 45 am returned 15 minutes later and caught a large mountain lion snooping around my chicken coop. I have had issues with coyote, fox, raccoon, fischer, bobcat and hawk. this thing was surprised by me and ran off but not before I got a good look at its head, 4 ft long body and long curled tail. By the time I hopped out of my truck it was out of site and ran to the back of my property into a field . I took a walk out there and jumped him again out of some brush . It stopped about 75 yards from me and sat there and stared at me. After 5 minutes or so it headed off into my back field. I cut through some trees and came out where I figured he would end up . When I had a clear view I spotted a fox darting across the field with the large cat in pursuit about 30 yards behind. No mistaking the identity. It also confirms other reports of the large cat 3 weeks prior from someone 2 miles up the road.


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