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Tali Test

General Information

Name: Taliesin

Gender: Male

Age: 6 years

Height: 40 inches

Weight: 190 lbs

Imprint: Iophiel


Eyes: Soft forest green with tiny flecks of opalescent green scattered

Fur: Average in all regards, though his tail is perhaps just a little fluffier like his father.

Color: His base coat is a very deep, dark shade of mahogany brown, dark and yet rich in tone, like dark chocolate and yet throughout his entire frame deeper shades of dark gold seem to find their way through. It is simply gorgeous with his mahogany pelt, his entire form seeming to just run together with such colors, the deep born and gold melding and blending about his body.

Build: He is quite an obvious all-rounder, capable of both speed and strength. He is tall, with long, thick, strong legs and a deep-set chest that leads into a nicely muscular form and thick hind capable of producing exceptional strength. He is very nicely balanced.

indifferent, liked, dislike, friend/respected, crush, loved, hated, loyal, rival

Doe - I know you left because the bond called you could have done more for us before you left. I don’t need you and I don’t care if I never see you again.

Fenrir - How do you leave a pregnant imprint. You are scum as far as I am concerned and I am not your son.

Rhiannon - You left me, just like everyone else.

Moonglow - So much I need to say but no longer can. I will make sure Idunn and Haven stay safe… I will take care of them. No one will forget your name so long as I live.

Alcide - Thank you for everything you did for me while you were alive. I will make sure your training does not go to waste and no one will forget your name.

Sleekwing - You seem a respectable member of the royal family.

Swallowbane - You are very selfish, and abandoned us during a hunt. You best stay away from me if you know what’s good for you.

Ceal - We seem to be the same. But at least you got the guidance needed as a child.

Daenerys - Adoptive sister I will serve you should you ever take the throne.

Leonidas - You used to be my friend but now I don’t know what you are to me. I do know that you should stay away from my sister unless you plan to give her all she needs… You continue to be this way though and I will make sure you no longer see her.

Butterfly - You have a strange way of thinking. Hope your wanderings are going well.

Camelot - Thank you for showing me what I should be and telling me your stories. You may not think much of yourself but I think you are an amazing wolf.

RAINBOW - Very… energetic. But helpful.

Iophiel - You returned to me. I am confused I hope this time we may better get to know each other.

Noel - Let me know if you need a sparring partner.

Orion - Hope your travels are going well.

Tuscall - A nice loner, thanks for chatting with me.

Sage - My imprint, you seem kind. I hope to get to know you more sometime.

Idunn - Nothing will ever happen to you so long as I live.

Haven - I will protect you so long as breath leaves my body.

Lavender - As Camelot’s daughter I must say you certainly are not much like him, but not in a bad way.

Nivaq - Thank you for being there at the hunt.

Nootau - You seem a capable warrior.

Purge - I swear I will live to see your last breath escape your maw.

Isola - Thank you for welcoming us to Diveen without question. I hope to serve you well in my time here.

Natu - Well you seem a loyal servant to my sister.

Pan - You are smart, perhaps too smart.

Gaia - It was nice getting to know you. Perhaps you would like to hang out more sometime?


Fenrir (Bahamut x Jaye)

Doe (Unknown x Unknown)


Rhiannon (Fenrir x Doe)

Weylin (Fenrir x Unknown)
Jaxx (Boregore x Doe)
Aureliano (Boregore x Doe)
Eos (Skrillex x Doe)
Arthfael (Fenrir x Natu)
Alistair (Fenrir x Natu)
Alexander (Fenrir x Natu)

Half Sisters:
Zuri (Boregore x Doe)
Faline(Boregore x Doe)
Olwen (Skrillex x Doe)
Selene (Skrillex x Doe)
Ankh (Fenrir x Natu)

Bahamut (Unknown x Unknown)

Jaye (Unknown x Unknown)

Demetri (Bahamut x Jaye)
Odin (Bahamut x Jaye)
Aiden (Baird x Jaye)
Voodoo (Baird x Jaye)

Dusk (Bahamut x Jaye)
Lilis (Bahamut x Jaye)
Athena (Bahamut x Jaye)
Leviathan (Bahamut x Jaye)
Persephone (Bahamut x Jaye)
Nakoto (Baird x Jaye)

Great Aunts:
Wivern (Unknown x Unknown) – Bahamut Sister

Great Uncles:
Titan (Unknown x Unknown) – Bahamut Brother

Tobias (Demetri x Jaidah)
Ryne (Demetri x Jaidah)
Mason (Demetri x Jaidah)
Silence (Demetri x Jaidah)
Baha (Demetri x Jaidah)
Gohan (Demetri x Jaidah)
Severus (Demetri x Jaidah)
Tybalt(Demetri x Malfunction)
Faerie (Demetri x Malfunction)
Acaela (Demetri x Malfunction)
Doyle (Archeron x Dusk)
Keoke (Archeron x Dusk)
Emerald (Sulan x Dusk)
Ranger (Sulan x Dusk)

Second Cousins:
Elijah (Tobias x Aaliyah)
Reaver (Tobias x Aaliyah)
Riven (Tobias x Flare)
Seir (Tobias x Flare)

Third Cousins:
Widow (Reaver x Jaidah)
Gehenna (Reaver x Jaidah)

Call's Iophiel's Soul- Serenades None - Sings Spirane's Song
html © dante. image © lz.

  • Nev Test -

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