like thoughts inside a dream - " />
The Lost Islands


The Boss


The Marauder


The General


The Companions

None None None

The Thieves


The Associates


The Soldiers


The Trinkets


Boss's Decree

"For every brother you bring to our
midst, you may keep a trinket all to
yourself. She will not be sullied or traded, unless you deem otherwise. But should you bring a mare here without a new brother first, then I will consider her property of the Lagoon as a whole
and do with her as I see fit." - Garmr

The Offspring

Cerinthe (Osmanthus x Honeycutt)
Mhidas (Helios x Vàna)
Warg (Psychedelic x Vàna)


• The Lagoon is where homeless stallions come to live as a brotherhood. Mares may not live here except as captives or companions for the Leaders.

• Soldiers keep mainly to fighting, Thieves keep mainly to raiding, and Associates may do both, neither, or act as diplomats. Members may issue their own battles and raids, but should generally consult the General, Marauder or Boss for permission.

• All major decisions are determined by vote, but the Boss maintains order within the Lagoon and has the final say.

• Elections for leadership positions will be held every TLI summer, provided the qualifying criteria are met.

• You can find detailed information about how the Lagoon works on the Rules page.

• Upon election, the Boss can issue a rule for members to follow during their tenure. It is up to leadership to enforce.

like thoughts inside a dream

Pilot of the Storm That Leaves no Trace

like thoughts inside a dream

I can smell her.
The sweet stench weasels its way into my slumber and pry’s open my eyes to the thorny thicket around me. Vines zigzag across my view as they climb and partially strangle the tree limbs under which I have sought refuge. Beyond the vines my waking mind grabs at her movement, a snippet of white falling into the darkness that leads away from the Lagoon. Without much consideration I drop my skull and push slowly through the thorns.

Opening my lungs and drawing in the atmosphere I catch her fading scent in the air. Subconsciously I curl my greying upper lip, exposing my pale gums and yellow stained teeth and pushing the smell of her deeper into my nose. I prick my towers forward at the sound of a distant call, though faint I gather its source is somewhere behind me and probably responsible for the masculine fragrance that is tangled in with the dames. I assume that the call was intended for the fleeing lass and a mischievous grin conquers my face as I quicken my step after her. A lovers tiff perhaps? Working my stocky frame through the tightly knit scrub I try to remain quiet, gaining on the girl slowly. She should know better than to be in the Lagoon by herself, and I should know better than to stalk her but given the time and the place, one can’t be blamed for their instinct.

A flitter in my chest when I can finally lay my dark menacing eyes on her pretty hide, standing in a clearing and making it all the more easier for me to do what I must. Walking slowly, one large hoof in front of the other, I snake alongside the loner and drink in the marvellous sight. ”Are you alright love?” I break the silence but do not wait for her reply. I know she isn’t. ”A pretty thing like you should know better than to come here unaccompanied, but you alright now. I’ve got ya” I state through the corner of my grin, my tone gruff and a little too revealing of my true thoughts. I suck in the air around her and suddenly I can feel every drop of blood that flows through my veins. The sight of her alone, scared and totally vulnerable paired with her intoxicating perfume and the fact that I haven’t had myself a woman in years almost send me mad and with movements quicker than my logic, I reach for the base of her pearl white neck with my dirty grass stained teeth.

forgotten son of

Dorian & Kimilah

character by leigh | html by blushie | image by prints-of-hooves
Pixel Revolution
An image studio for roleplayers

OOC// Excuse the crappiness ladies! I wasn’t sure how Fallo could force her without me power playing so I have just left it at ^ that. I don't know what Im doing XD Such a noob! If not power playing has made things hard for either of you or if you prefer it all be done in one post just note me and I can add in the last paragraph!


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