we'll ride in the gathering st" />
The Lost Islands

we'll ride in the gathering storm {Eviline}

The grullo Pony King notices the relaxing of her muscles, he in turn relaxed. His words had convinced her that this place was not safe, and it was the truth. It was a dangerous place for an unclaimed mare, his ears flicker atop his head. His thoughts float to those brutish stallions of the Lagoon, they would not treat her in the way she deserved. When he had said that he would free her if that is what she wished, he would keep his word, yet a hope remained she would want to stay in the Inlet with him. "Follow me Eviline, the Inlet is just a short swim from here." He steps forward, slowly to insure that she would follow, he had no intention of driving her to the Inlet, she seemed willing enough.

He leads her through the crossing, past the throngs of horses who were gathered. He did not falter until the reached the sandy beach, off in the distance Tinuvel rose stark against the flat ocean. He swivels around to the pearl beauty at his side. "There is Tinuvel, it doesn't look like much from here, but just wait until you are on those rocky shores." He pauses. Agilely he navigates the sandy shore, like he had done so many times before.


The ocean's water was chilly to say the least, Tinuvel rose before them. As quickly as their swim had began, his hooves were touching the rocky shores of Tinuvel. He navigates the rocky shore, picking his way through the rocks. He could not afford to slip on some of the rocks, perhaps injuring himself leaving him unable to protect his herd. The grullo leaps the last few steps into the salty grasses that grew abundantly on the rocky shores, he swivels his thick head around and eyes Eviline. He patiently waits for her. As soon as she has picked her way to the top of the beach, he eagerly reaches towards her. "This way." He nods and sets off up the grassy knoll, than halts at the top.

Stretching out before the Pony King was the Inlet, from the snowy mountain peaks that jut into the clouds to the rocky shores to the north. The lichens were each turning their brilliant colors, accompanied with the bushes that were scattered through out the lower tundra. Just behind the tundra, a forest of dark pines grew abundantly, a fortess and hideaway for his herd. Within the forest there were babbling brooks, a few mountain fresh lakes and of course abundant mountain grass. A sigh exits his dark lips, he lifts his heavy head upwards than swivels it towards Eviline. "What do you think?" He eagerly awaits her answer, would she love it as much as he did?

We'll ride in the gathering storm


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