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Nev Test

It's a long way up once you hit the ground

General Information

Name: Nevaeh

Gender: Female

Age: 5 years

Height: 27 inches

Weight: 80 lbs

Mate/Imprint: Orion


Eyes: Jade green with a little violet around rims.

Fur: The father made sure to make the pelt a little more thick and fluffy, but it still has that shine that makes her so stunning.

Color: A deep, dark black. It has the very same gleam as mom. There is one patch of pure white fur in the middle of her chest. Short and smooth, this girl really takes after her beautiful mother.

Build: This girl will be smaller than both of her parents. She weighs more than her mother, however, with a bit of muscle tightly covering her body. She is still built for being quick and agile in her movements. Her leg to body ratio is pretty even and average for a wolf, but she is still on the delicate side. She will be very pretty to look at, with a feminine face and curves.

indifferent, liked, dislike, friend, crush, loved, hated

Heyel - You are the greatest! I dunno why everyone thinks you are not.

Zen - Momma! Look what daddy taught me!

Saintly - Though you are gone you are always with me. You are the best Saint <3

Isola - Probably my only half sibling to treat me decently.

Azrael - No one cares what you think… Go away.

Uno - You are my secret keeper and pretty much my only friend. I am happy to have run into you that day.

Zildjian - Least you tried to control your child… and were somewhat nice to me.

Rejya - I can’t believe you let your child act like that to our father and your half sister…

Zigzagel - If I ever see you again I will put you were you belong… beneath me.

Siren - You are pretty cute, for a Iromar Wolf. I hope I can see you again sometime.

Orion - I found you just at the right time! I am happy I have another good friend and someone to talk to. You mean the world to me. I hope you know that.

Malina: I dunno quite what to think of you yet…

Solaris: You think you know everything… I don’t trust you.


Orion (Unknown x Unknown)

Orifel ♂ (Orion x Nevaeh)
Jaeger ♂ (Orion x Nevaeh)
Hyrule ♂ (Orion x Nevaeh)
Ninevah ♀ (Orion x Nevaeh)

Heyel (Lizakiel x Karma)

Zen (Amissus Anima x Vetro)

Saintly (Heyel x Zen)


Half Brothers:
Azrael (Heyel x Zeivah)
Kael (Heyel x Zeivah)
Lucifer (Heyel x Zeivah)
Seraphiel/Kamiyo/Ashido (Heyel x Zeivah)
Ferox (Heyel x Zeivah)
Anselm (Heyel x Ava)
Eden (Heyel x Ava)

Half Sisters:
Isola (Heyel x Zeivah)
Amaterasu/Rejya (Heyel x Zeivah)
Sinopa (Heyel x Zeivah)
Aaliyah (Heyel x Zeivah)
Calista (Heyel x Zeivah)
Scarlet (Tairra x Zeivah)
Ayal (Heyel x Ava)
Oswin (Heyel x Cat Eye)

Karma (Unknown x Unknown)
Vetro (Unknown x Unknown)

Lizakiel (Unknown x Unknown)
Amissus Anima (Unknown x Unknown)

Estelle (Lizakiel x Unkown)

Sulan (Amissus Anima x Vetro)

Emerald (Sulan x Dusk)
Ranger (Sulan x Dusk)

Starfall (Azrael x Andromeda)
Guardian (Azrael x Andromeda)
Zaphkiel (Azrael x Andromeda)
Achilles (Kane x Isola)
Solaris (Kane x Isola)
Forfax (Kane x Isola)
Haziel (Kane x Isola)
Hadrian (Kane x Isola)
Evero (Kane x Isola)
Ryker (Spike x Sinopa)
Sinclair (Spike x Sinopa)
Elijah (Tobias x Aaliyah)
Reaver (Tobias x Aaliyah)
Ragnarok (Zildjian x Rejya)
Tsukiyomi (Ashido x Clementine)
Aries (Ashido x Lucrecia)
Wren (Swallowbane x Calista)
Ramiel (Swallowbane x Calista)

Celeste (Azrael x Andromeda)
Iophiel (Azrael x Andromeda)
Elara (Azrael x Andromeda)
Ambrosia (Azrael x Andromeda)
Sage (Kane x Isola)
Ariel (Kane x Isola)
Shiloh (Kane x Isola)
Phaedra (Kane x Isola)
Calliel (Kane x Isola)
Zigzagel (Zildjian x Rejya)
Saraqael (Zildjian x Rejya)
Keziah (Zildjian x Rejya)
Lanoiri (Zildjian x Rejya)

Grand Nephews:
Emil (Achilles x Vega)
Atlas (Achilles x Vega)
Jackson (Ragnarok x Church)

Grand Nieces:
Paravana (Achilles x Vega)
Widow (Reaver x Jaidah)
Gehenna (Reaver x Jaidah)
Bastille (Ragnarok x Church)
Embla (Ragnarok x Church)

Of Heyel & Zen ~ Orion's Heart & Soul ~ Diveen Assassin
Mother of Orifel, Jaeger, Hyrule and Ninevah
html by dante! wolf from dt!

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