The Lost Islands

i walk my days on a wire

i'm all but washed in the tide of her breathing
Winter is quickly approaching, and Freya can't help but wonder what it will bring. Will their herd grow in numbers, or will more be taken from them? She sincerely hopes not; she knows how much that would affect Dogun. He has lost too much already, and to lose more would only hurt him more. It would lead him down a road she does not want him to go down - a road he might not come back from.

She is about to track Dogun down when a gentle breeze carries an unfamiliar scent her way. It is a stallion, that much she can tell. What is a strange stallion doing in her home? With breeding season in full swing, she hopes he isn't here to cause any trouble. Her ears flatten against the nape of her neck at the thought. Then, she catches a whiff of someone familiar - someone she has not seen in quite some time, and she can't help but become curious. Could it really be? The dun mare gives a parting glance to the herd to make sure they are all there, and then makes her way towards the Inlet's shore, letting her nose lead the way. Her heart races in anticipation; if it is really Sigrun, if she is really being returned to them after all this time, she knows how excited Dogun will be.

Stepping over the last hill between herself and the beach, Freya's blue eyes land on Sigrun's familiar form on the shore. She stands next to a palomino stallion, one whom she has never seen before. He smells of an unfamiliar place; somewhere she has never been before, but never wants to be, if the smell is anything to go by.

She is going to go towards them, her eyes set on the grulla mare, but something in her peripheral catches her attention. She snaps her head towards it, ears flattening as her eyes land on a small stallion - the size of Dogun - not too far away. He appears to be making an attempt at spying on them, although in all honesty, he isn't doing a very good job. Snorting, Freya switches her direction, heading towards the overo stallion. "Hey!" She hisses as she stops behind him, her shoulder aligned with his hindquarters. "Who are you and what are you doing in my home?" She demands, narrowing her blue eyes at him suspiciously. Why is he trying to hide? Why is he trying spy on Sigrun and the palomino stallion? So many questions, so little time to have them answered.
bay dun roan sabino. lead mare of the inlet. bjorn (x dogun). pippa.
Created by Blitzy of Caution 2.0


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