The Lost Islands

so slowly goes the night;


Had she been born with pink skin instead of the dark black that lay beneath her white and black hide, surely Harlequin would have been blushing with embarrassment and irritation right now. Unusually long black tail lashes angrily back and forth against the sleek curve of her flanks as Harlequin stomped her forefoot in anger. Her icy blue eyes shift from mother and Rownan to Jedi as he bounds up and begins to taunt her in a sing-song like voice. It was no secret that father was trying to "place" her and her sisters with stallions he felt would be the best sort of alliance for him... the very thought enraged her. It was unfair. "Shut up Jedi!" she snaps snaking her neck towards him to bite at the air near his shoulder. She knew better than to actually bite him right now, in front of mother... but later... yes when they were alone he would get it for taunting her.

Proudly she lifts her head now, fixing mother with her steady gaze, "Nothing mother... I just went for a swim that's all... the boys don't know what they are talking about... you know how much I love the ocean."

OOC: sorry its short... gotta go get the baby... just skip Rownan this go round... ill respond with him next time :D


The Secret to Surviving is Knowing What to Keep and What to Throw Away


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