The Lost Islands

The art of love is largely the art of persistence

During their short travels together; Skylar could easily say that she enjoyed the bigger mare's company. Silver was a good creature inside and that was hard to find anymore. The Peak mare had readily offered her assistance once they had departed from the Crossing and from there she had escorted the pale woman to the place she called home. But Skylar was not familiar with Tinuvel and somehow became seperated from the pale woman. During the stint it too to find Silver something awful had happened. It gnawed at Skylar even now that she had let something happen to Silver during her watch. But there wasn't anything she could do about it now.

When they had made it to the herd, Skylar did not find conversation among the mares there. Though she did not mind friends; Silver was her main priority until her stallion returned and so she stayed at the mare's side. So when the time came and the stallion's bugle rang through the air, the painted Peak mare was still found at Silver's side. She had noticed the drop in tempatures and had been thankful for her mountain coat during this trip but even this was becoming a bit extensive.

With a snort that causes her breath to cloud around her dark muzzle, she reaches over and bumps at Silver's shoulder. Skylar notices the dun mare drift to Silver's other side, but those leery eyes make the Peak mare wonder just what the stranger thought of her? Regardless, pety things could wait. The herd needed to be moved and should she have known where the Bay was, Skylar would have offered her assistence with that. Alas she did not and so was just another sheep among the flock as she traveled quietly with Silver.
mare, crossbreed, blue roan tobiano, Ee aa Rr nT, 15.0hh.
styrke x hespera.
html by russell 2013 onwards.image by frost.


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