Re(1): Statements by Helen Recently IP: Posted on February 15, 2015 at 03:46:47 PM by Helen
"One was killed recently in West Virginia by the wildlife agency there." Tell me more. Give me a reference or a contact person. I live in West Virginia.
I can think of only 2 confirmed records of cougars in West Virginia in the last 50 years. In 1976, two cougars were found near Droop Mountain outside of Hillsboro. A male was shot by a farmer as it attempted to make off with a sheep. Two days later, a live female was found nearby. She allowed people to approach her closely. She was captured and ended up in a zoo somewhere; we don't know what happened to her. Analysis of the stomach contents of the dead male determined it was carrying parasites found only in the Southeast.
In 1996 Todd Lester found and cast cougar tracks near his home in southern West Virginia. You can read more about these confirmations here -