Re(8): Cougars from South Dakota

They were reported by Mass Wildlife, feel free to contact them for information. They stated to the press they had the evidence. Problem is, you will have to file a freedom of information act request. Then they will tell you they have to search all their offices to try to find them, at a labor cost of around $500.00. CT DEP admitted to having good pictures (one was in a local paper down there) back in the 1980s. The picture was investigated by UCONN, and found to be authentic as to location, and the size of the cat consistent with a cougar. The paper quoted CT DEP as saying they had good cougar pictures from CT. We attempted to get them, and they said they "were too old and were destroyed". The claim for the Quabbin tracks is that the cougar was walking south, and was the one hit in CT on the road. That again becomes a problem resolving all the alleged locations and timing that the hit cat was allegedly at. Virginia Fifield also cast a good set of tracks in Goshen, MA back in the 1980s, and they were confirmed by experts in Oregon. Another kill site and tracks were found in the 2003 timeframe in the same town. Along with a detailed police sighting a short distance south of there 2 weeks later. These are several of HUNDREDS of these. Sightings by expert witnesses lead you to evidence. And enough of them have been seen so you cannot dismiss them, as much as you would like to. A number of wildlife biologists, and other Misc Phd's have observed these cats. They are of great help in our endeavor. They do not appreciate being told they are nuts.


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