Re(1): Why are these agencies stonewalling?

Well I really don't think they are doing it for those reasons. It really doesn't affect hunting, logging, or the like where they are present out west. In many cases, like when they did this when moose started getting seen, (and bears), its just not wanting to admit they were wrong. They are currently calling a lot of people that are seeing these, including Phd's from some of the most prestigious universities, NUTS. It certainly is a BIG black eye to say "oops, you were write Dr. . Look what happened in Connecticut. People were seeing them, then suddenly, someone hits one on the highway. I can guarantee if that picture had not been taken right away that the event would have remained hidden. So what do they do? Concoct this story on how this cat walked from South Dakota. Its a "rare event", and won't happen again. Well it is happening again, and they aren't from South Dakota.


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