Re(4): Possible dead juvenile IP: Posted on March 21, 2015 at 03:31:03 PM by Mike
I looked for fur and blood under my car, didn't find anything that i could collect. It looked like a big dead cat in the road. It had a long tail it looked like it had died from trauma to the skull. It made my eyes pop out really i couldn't believe what i was seeing. Weight wise 40-60 lbs probably? I was thinking last years cub. It raced through my mind that it couldn't be this years, they are just giving birth right now. It had the tawny color but also some grayish cast to its belly.Believe me i doubted it, but i couldn't figure out what else it could be. I have seen Bobcat at my grandparents farm. Not with the long cylinder tail. It was long like i said laid out across the lane of rte 2. I saw the bottom of one of its really large paws and that was what convinced me. I went to school for Wildlife Biology for a couple years at the University of Wyoming and I remember my Range Management Professor had a stuffed one in his office. That is where i had seen the over-sized paws before. I wish i had a photo and some blood or fur. My phone doesn't have a flash on it and getting out on that stretch of rte 2 is dangerous at best there is no real shoulder to pull on to. I was also dead tired after a ten hour shift. Replies: