Special Carden festival opportunities Posted on June 4, 2015 at 01:55:31 PM by Nath Rockhill
There are still a few spaces in the Bird Banding Demonstration --your chance to see an actual "bird in the hand"! Stroll through local fields with a specialist in Pollinators -- find out what's doing well, what's in trouble, what helps. Hunt for Fossils with an enthusiastic naturalist (great for kids!). Take a walk with a botanist to identify the special Wildflowers that grow in tough alvar conditions. Find out how many different Ferns grow in our area as you explore shady woods. And there's still time to sign up for the trip with the Forensic Entomologist, who has trained police to use insects in solving murder cases! CSI, anyone? To reserve a spot in any of these events, phone 705-326-1620, e-mail tanya@couchconservancy.ca, or take your chances and show up at the Carden Rec Centre, 258 Lake Dalrymple Rd., off Kawartha Lakes 6 between Kirkfield and Sebright. Single event tickets $10. More details: www.cardennaturefestival.ca Replies: There have been no replies.