Here is where you can request pictures or tables for your character!

If you would like a table or image made for your character, be sure to include:
Name of character:
Title on image or tagline on table:
Description of character:
Your OOC name:


Casey! :3

Ahhhh please. I've started making my own photos, but I can't seem to make one just right.

Your name: Rosie <3
Background(s): Something bloody and dark.
Picture(s): A black wolf with a dark crimson skirt, and slate grey face. Left eye is ripped heavily, you can't tell the eye is even there. As if it was torn out. Eyes are emerald green.
Words on Pic: Kanaya (Name) and there are 3 options here. Pick which you think is best.
1. The Sharp Dressed Woman with a Chainsaw
2. I Mean No Insult, but I'm Fed Up
3. Virgo: The Virgin
Specific instructions: Make it look somewhat feminine at the same time too.

Your name: Rosie <3
Picture: As above.
Font (colour, style, size, etc.): Mmmm, feel free to do what you want there. Make sure it relates to the picture somehow. Size 2.
Scrollbar (colour): None
Specific instructions: Have fun making it! No rush.

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