At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Loyal Til Death

 photo Kalgalath_zps78b9da12.jpg

Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice


The pack meeting had gone smoothly with two more members recruited, a single femme and a single brute. They were completely different from one another and had sworn loyalty to the pack and to Kalgalath - hopefully they would fulfill that vow. To this brute, there was nothing more important than loyalty. His trust was difficult to gain, and once lost it was even more difficult to regain, if in fact it every could be regained. And now, after assigning ranks to the wolves who had been active and had proven themselves and assigning Omega to the rest, Kalgalath strayed from his lands. His limbs moved smoothly, stretching out into full-long strides as he cleared Aurora Borealis' boundary line and left the packlands far behind. Though he often sped through his own lands, he could not go at top speeds because of how tight together the firs were that lined the interior. It was too dangerous - one could get caught up in branches, collide with a tree, or jump through a grove only to find themselves flying off of a cliff. But here, in no mans land, he could open up and test his true speed.

Faster and faster his limbs moved until the world was moving past him in a blur, and each foot pounded down upon the earth, leaving an imprint. His goal location was, without a doubt, his favorite place in all the lands - Staircase Falls. It was always so quiet and peaceful, and he often went there to think alone. Though, he more often than not ended up with company, finding another varg with whom to converse and befriend.

Sadness fell upon him as he thought back to the first wolf he had met there - Leila. She had been a gorgeous, little flirtatious femme, but he had come to think of her like his little sister, and had been more than a little excited when she had given up her loner life to join his pack. She had at first found it constraining, being trapped in the lands, but after a while had become more comfortable. Still, Leila often travelled outside of Aurora Borealis, never ceasing her need to explore. But now? Now she was gone. Another part of his family having abandoned him. She had left without a word or reason, but Kalgalath still held out the hope that one day she return. He could not blame her - she was a loner at heart. Perhaps the boundary had been too much for her...

Among others that the King had met, there had also been Striker, the current Alpha of Moondown Shadows. They had met the eve before Striker's battle to take over the throne, and Kalgalath had pledged his pack to an alliance should he win. After the last blow had been struck, Striker had proven to be victorious and a deal had been struck inn which Kalgalath's own two offspring, Adara and Aindreas, had joined Moondown Shadows to seal the bond. Just last week, Kal had visited the lands to catch up with his friend and had learned that the siblings were proving loyal and able - and Kalgalath could not be prouder.

Who, he wondered, would he meet upon this visit to the cascades?

His daggers caught at the slippery rock and he leapt up the steep slope covered in moss that proliferated under the generous spray of the falls. Each step was cushioned by the soft green bed, and Kalgalath tried hard not to disrupt it too much. One last jump brought him over the peak and onto the plateau that overlooked the waterfall, and there his electric blue orbs landed upon an eboness. It seemed that today was not a day in which he would be left to his own devices.

"Hello there. I am called Kalgalath. May I inquire as to your own name, miss?"

**adult*male*ALPHA - Aurora Borealis*tied to Zig none*Father to Aindreas, Adara, Rohan, and Blayre*Azura**
table (c) CRS '13


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