At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


looks can be deceiving [ Karla ]

No one ever really knows how important the word goodbye can become to them. Everyone throws it around so carelessly, expecting the person to be there time and time again. And then when they're gone, and its too late to say it anymore, do they finally understand the meaning of the word. Most would give anything for another chance to say goodbye. Normally the lack of closure can leave a hole inside of you that can't be filled. However, for Iris, goodbye is one word that hasn't ever truly hurt her. When she left her family, saying goodbye was one of the last things on her mind. To be able to get away from the abuse, the loneliness, and the pain.. All of it made leaving without saying goodbye so much easier. Each step away from the horror movie of a family lifted more and more stress from her already shaking shoulders. The farther she was away from her father, the better her life seem to became. There was no hole inside of her that needed to be filled due to lack of closure, because in realiy, her life had just begun.

Upon hearing through the grapevine about Blossom Forest, the ebony and ivory maiden had planned out her voyage from her homeland almost immediately. Iris knew her father would murder her on the spot if she tried to escape from his grasp and run away to safer grounds, but it was something she had to try. It was worth the risk. Iris knew she would rather die than remain there and be abused for another year. A few nights after her scheme to leave was planned, her father had turned on her again out of rage for a reason still unknown. She never fought back, but instead always cowered helplessly until it was over. However, this time he had clamped his jowls onto her right forearm. The once innocent little girl filled with deep animosity and indignation, her reflex snatched her leg away from his jaw, scraping flesh to the bone. With her adrenaline coursing through her veins and her heart pounding in her charcoal auds, she didn't even feel the pain as she lunged back at her assailant, somehow latching onto the side of his neck and slicing her jagged incisors into the shallow skin, only to retreat as quick as it had happened. The shock and disdain in his face was enough to know she had made a mistake that would hurt her in the long run.f She shouldn't have done it, but if Iris hadn't reacted with instinct, her leg would have been snapped. That night he would come for her again after he had treated her wounds. And it was that night that she disappeared.

That night had been the turning point of her entire life. If Iris had never encountered her father that night, she probably never would have gained the courage to leave. She never would have limped her way to the lands that she would now live a nicer life; join a loving and caring pack, perhaps a brute of interest to start a family.. Iris was getting ahead of herself. Only two days of being in these lands and she was already thinking about a future with a random brute and joining packs that she didn't even know enough to choose from yet!

Iris moved her way throughout the foliage towards the sound of a steady stream. The water's trickling rhythm was different from the regular river flow, sparking profound interest from the young adult. The sunlight filtered through the striving, spring spruces, allowing their misty rays to send spots scattering and scurrying across her charcoal back. Iris could feel the soil begin to change beneath her pads; the once hard terra firma was now moistened by the near liquid. Iris limped across the soft ground, unable to tell if she was thankful for the change beneath her paws or not. Her forearm was throbbing from the recent wound from her father, which wasn't much of a surprise. She knew it would take more than just a few days for the deep cut to heal her aching limb, but the agony kept the memories fresh, something Iris was ready to forget and move on from.

Finally breaking the tree line, Iris' sapphire dreamers took in the gorgeous scenery. The cascading water went down several levels, sending waves of mist into the air to evaporate. The obsidian and alabaster maiden hobbled on three legs towards the waters edge, stepping onto a stone that protruded into the steady stream. After lapping up her refreshment, her nearly trembling legs practically begged for relaxation. Obeying their command, she let her body sink to the ground, the tension in her body melting away with the soothing sounds around her. Iris laid her head on her good paw, exotic orbs watching the fish frantically swim through the bubbles and rushing currents. She was content where she was, knowing she wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

looks can be decieving


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