The Lost Islands

Grand, lads n' lassies!


Lads n' lassies, how about some good ol', grand luck?

Meara was swimming, following Pagan. She loved to swim, though she was tired from her previous journeys. But to think she finally had a home, somewhere she could finally rest in peace; it made her heart fill with joy. Soon enough, she saw that ahead of her, Pagan had reached the shore with a proud smile on his face, which made the mare smile as well. Reaching the shore, she looked around at her new home, glad to be a part of this land. It was much cooler here, and she was glad for that. Looking back at Pagan, she spoke, "Your land is beautiful!" She then trotted to him, glad that she joined him here. She hoped that Pagan would show her around, as she would probably just follow him anyway to wherever he might go, as she didn't know the land.

"How many, so far, 'ave joined your herd, besides me, if I may ask?" she inquired, curious. She wondered if it would be a large herd or a small one; larger herds would be easier to hide in, though smaller herds would make the mare more at ease, as she yet had to get used to a herd in the first place.

~Gypsy Vanner - 14.3hh - Blue Roan - Tinuvel's Inlet~

Table Edited by Vivi

(OOC: I apologize for this awful post, having a bad time with my laptop.)


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