The Lost Islands

castillon lir
jasper, micah, thames, lohan
hirka, eira, aura
eirena, frond, aurelie, luna
mage, daire, vervain, claret
lior, hael, atropa belladonna
name, name, name
eriana, name, name
*odette, eudora, *dolores
name, name, name
rafe (badlands)
evrain (hills)
sephiroth (thicket)
bacardi (forest)
mariael (arch)
tyr & oswin (ridge)


- the Prairie stands as a symbol of peace and prosperity among the islands
- anyone is welcome to live here so long as they do not bring harm to the Prairie or any of it's residents
- adventure and exploration is not only allowed, but encouraged! residents are asked to use their better judgement and not travel to places that could bring them harm
- the head of the prairie has final say in all prairie matters. the secondary and third positions are not able to be challenged for and are selected by the head
- the guardians take on a more active role in the prairie; they must protect the inhabitants of the prairie and go on patrols of the prairie borderlines and shore. they can welcome strangers to the prairie and invite anyone to live here, though they must inform one of the leaders of any newcomers or visitors
close to nothing

you’re just too good to be true,
if, my love, you only knew

It warmed her heart, watching the twins interacting with their father, and she took a step back, so as to take this special moment in entirely. The smile that settled on her muzzle was warm, bright and true, and then she thought of Dances, and it faded. Her brave and fearless boy had never known his father, and it made her ache inside, that he would never have what Bleddyn and Sefarina had in Valentine. And she wondered if she had made a mistake. That was why, in her travels, she’d never allowed any stallion too close, because her way of life had no place for young ones in it. Had it been wrong of her to have raised Dances With Wolves that way? Lingering between two worlds the way she had been, sticking to herself because she liked solitude?

Snorting softly, she turned back an ear, and willed the melancholy she felt blooming in her chest to leave her be, at least until she could get away, and deal with it alone. Today was a good day – one of the best in her life, and Guadalupe wouldn’t let anything change that. “I’m glad you like them,” she said after a moment, the smile returning when she thought of the names she had given her children. “Normally I wait a while, and go looking for a name that fits them. Or, I follow when they go looking for who they are themselves. But, this time, they came to me,” and for a moment her eyes were faraway, as she fondly remembered her dream.

Sefarina finally found her courage, and pulled away from Guadalupe’s side, a tiny sound escaping her small, red muzzle, as though she was afraid her brother was going somewhere without her. At first she seemed a little unsure of Valentine, but before long she was leaning on her father’s leg, her large green eyes lingering on her brother.

Guadalupe was no longer watching the foals, but her gaze had settled on the stallion. He seemed genuinely glad to have met her, too. And though she had already determined that her place was here in the Prairie, his words only confirmed this. “Have you always lived here?” she asked, suddenly curious. “Or have you come from elsewhere, travelling over land and sea in order to end up here?” A wanderer for many, many years, Guadalupe had seen amazing places, and she was always keen to hear where others had been, so that she could dream of new and breathtaking vistas.

that my mind…
it’s telling me to run

html by shiva for public use 2014

(short and sweet! Just like little Sefarina <3)


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