The Lost Islands

One of the Earth

15.3hh - Gypsy Vanner - Lead of the Inlet

His smile was genuine when she greeted him in return and shared her name with him. There had been times his limited social skills had been stretched and put to the test in getting a mare’s name. It was refreshing to speak to someone whose gentle nature did indeed match his own. It was like standing beside a warming campfire instead of contending with an engulfing conflagration. His smile grew wider when she said it was his second who had invited her to the Inlet. Braylen, it seemed, had the skills to invite more to their home than Pagan did. A talent the shy vanner occasionally envied. He did not mind that he had seemingly failed in rallying into the Inlet, so long as he stood by his determination to defend them once they were there.

”Wonderful to meet you, Odessa. Braylen does indeed live here. I have the great pleasure and honor in sharing the Inlet with him. Anyone he calls friend is more than welcome here.” Long tail flicked once and he glanced over her briefly. He did not know where Braylen was to greet his guest, and if Pagan was anything, it was hospitable. ”If you would like to stay for a while, I can show you around.” He glanced at the increasingly volatile surf behind her. ”The air will grow colder as the sun goes down. There are hot spring you can use to warm yourself back up after your swim.


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