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I see you

Female age four imprint: asterion Loner

She feels the eyes upon her, a prickling of hairs at the back of her neck, a reminder predator could easily become prey. She turns, tensing, to see the large dark wolf, who is similar to her in size. Her ears twitch in curiosity, surprised he has come so soon after she thought about him. Of course, he could have been following her. Now there was no mother to back her up if a fight ensued, but it hardly seemed as if that was his intent, sitting calmly so close, when her back had been turned, a ripe opportunity if he had meant her harm.

Raptor rises to her feet, ever the proud warrior, stopping about two feet away, and starts stalking a slow circle around him. Examining him. What makes him different? There does not seem to be anything different. And yet she had given him every excuse to hate her, to attack her, yet he followed her and did nothing. A half snarl of frustration contorts her face. Reasoning things out, philosophy and emotions, are not her strong suits. She advances closer, sniffing his fur. She smelled no pack on him, and he seemed alone like her.

Deciding he is no threat, at least not in the traditional sense, she sits down to study him, stil close. Her head tilts at an angle. She does not speak like she has heard other wolves within Moladion do, the words and sounds still confuse her, and the ability slips off her tongue like a stream running by, too fast to even taste the possibilities. Lex had tried, and perhaps Raptor just had not listened. She accepts his presence and does not try to drive him away. She had been lonely, and having another wolf abated this, no matter how strange. Her lavender grey eyes meet his dark blue ones, not really questioning how, but why? They were not family, nor pack. But there was a connection, or else why would he be here?

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