The Lost Islands

Closing The G-d D--m Door?!

His brother stepping forward added fuel to Dmitrei’s fire. He followed his brother while the whiter coated colt sniffed at the bulky stallion. An exasperated snort shot from his nose while Dragomir merely sniffed at Pagan. Eyes watched him shrewdly, waiting to see if Dragomir would attack their foe, or if he would lead this charge. The toothless nip was delivered, a squeal pierced the air, and when the white body retreated the gold surged forward. Heels and hooves flew into the air, trying to strike at Pagan’s large body, though his blows landed in vain. Frustrated with his lack of power, Dmitrei also cried out. His call more in fury than in fear. Turning away from the vanner, he unleashed his anger on the air and the ground, pounding his hooves into the earth. Returning to his mother’s side, he stood between her and the stallion. His head lowered and ears flattened against his skull. Less curious about the man, more defensively challenging.


Pagan blinked a little in surprise at the forcefulness of the mare’s voice. He was sure it was confidence in the other stallion, a confidence he dearly hoped had not been misplaced by both of them. It had been a whim to invite Braylen into the Inlet, a choice few stallions would have made. He trusted fate and he trusted his gut. They did not always lead him down the best paths, but they led him down those he needed to follow. This one affected more lives than his own. A swish of his tail and he brushed the thoughts away, drawn back to Abigail when she thanked him. His smile widened and he nodded his head, about to speak when he was assaulted by two colts. Laughing his good natured, rumbling laugh he took a step back from the painless attacks. It was a partial, playful retreat, handing the power over to the young colts. Sending a grin to Abigail he lowered his head to bring him more on the level of Dragomir and Dmitrei. Another half step back to give them space, he issued a very soft challenge. He made himself as small and attack-able as possible, inviting the colts to attack him.

Dmitrei’s head lifted in surprise, though his eyes narrowed in suspicion. After glaring at Pagan he shifted his stance to look back at his brother so they could attack together. Defend their mother.

Colt : Spanish Mustang Mutt : Palomino Tobiano : BraylenXAbigail
html by shiva for public use

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