Carden Alvar Nature Board by Bob BowlesSome nice Carden area Birds

November 28, 2015 - Norm Murr, Ian Cannell and Jay Peterson

- 2 adult Bald Eagles over Dalrymple Rd at Whipoorwill Lane, minutes later another adult Bald Eagle perched just east of Dalrymple Rd on Alvar Rd.
- 1 juvenile Bald Eagle over Prospect Rd just north of the hydro towers.
- 1 N. Shrike along Prospect Rd south of Palestine Rd.
- 1 N. Shrike along Rockview Rd south of the dump road.
- several Rough-legged Hawks and a couple of N. Harriers on various roads.
- 2 Cackling Geese, 44 Hooded Mergansers, 3 Bonaprte's Gulls and a Grn-winged Teal on the east side of the causeway on Mitchell Lake.
- 7 Trumpeter Swans on Canal Lake
- 1 very nice and only feet away male Pileated Woodpecker on Avery Point
- 35 Greater Scaup on the lake beside Avery Point.
- 50 Cedar Waxwings along Alvar Rd east of Wylie Rd

PS - I don't recommend that anyone drive Alvar Rd ( we did :>(( ) as it is filled with flooded (some very large) potholes and the marsh area east of Wylie Rd has a long flooded area with the stream flowing over and along the road.
We were also told that Wylie Rd is not so good and I feel that it is probably flooded at the Sedge Wren Marsh and of course it would have a lot more muddy areas than Alvar Rd and a lot of pot holes as well.

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