The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

A chill crept down her spine when her soft-skinned muzzle reached his. The feeling of being near him was truly electrifying for her. When he questioned her, she giggled nervously, the sooty strands of her thick, wavy mane cascading down her neck. "Yes, of course. A girl needs a home, doesn't she?" What she didn't anticipate, however, was the closeness that came immediately after. Her petite head whipped high above her withers at first, startled by his approach. But the muscles in her body soon relaxed upon feeling his gentle, affectionate caress. Her bright blue eyes closed for a moment as she reveled in the sensation of it all. If someone would have told Nova this morning that she would feel like this today, that she would meet a stallion like Nephilim and follow him home without a bat of an eye, she would have laughed at the absurdity of it all. But here she was -- living it -- and it felt better and more powerful than anything she'd ever experienced before. The mare trembled, for reasons unknown to her, and nickered a deep, passionate call just for him. "Nephilim, this sounds so stupid, but..." She was too embarrassed to look at him as her heat beat so loudly in her chest. "I've never felt this way before."

She wanted to be honest, even if it did reveal just how childish she was. Her mother would have lost her mind by now, if she saw how Nova seemingly crumbled for a man, giving up every bit of herself just because he showed a brief interest in wanting to be physically close to her. Nova had so much to learn about the world. But she wanted to do it all with Nephilim. She wanted to learn to love the cold and the Bay. What she didn't think about was the other mares who lived here. The ones who could have come long before her, whose relationships with him were longer and therefore deeper. She didn't know where she'd fall in that line, and what responsibilities would fall on her now that she agreed to join a herd. She had no idea.

"My only condition is that you allow me to visit my father from time to time. He lives on Luthien, in the Prairie." She said pleasantly, studying him from behind her bright blue eyes. She blinked quickly before stepping away from the edge of the springs, warm plumes of carbon dioxide leaving her nostrils and cutting through the air that grew crisper the farther away she stepped from the humid, bubbling pool. She cocked her head one way to look back at him, beckoning him with her only her gaze to join her a few feet away. "I'm sure he'll be delighted to know that chose a stallion as kind and as handsome as you."

Vita Nova
3 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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