
Where the magic happens...
Wanting your own adorable hoard of fluffy puppies? You’ve come to the right place!
In winter, parents post their stats (alongside any other relevant stats such as grandparents etc.) in the below format. Staff then roll dice to determine if you conceive. If you do (congratulations!), Staff will then roll some more dive and perform some magic in order to produce your puppy stats.
You can view how we do that magic right here!

Certain prizes, such as ‘Pick Your Own Litter Size’ and ‘Custom Stats’ must be used before Stats are posed, whereas ‘+1 Puppy’ can be used after. If in doubt, check with Staff!

Once Stats have been posted, players may post in response claiming and naming puppies. Once spring begins, the mother’s player must reply to the thread with a link to their ‘birthing post’ on the appropriate date unless an extension has been requested.

Parent Stats
* post for both father/mother
Height / Weight:
Eye Color:
Body / Fur Type: (be detailed! long, short, thick, whispy, scruffy fur; brawny, willowy, wide set ears, a tail that’s a little crooked – everything helps!)
Fur Colour: (be specific with markings, and include references if you want!)
Other Stats (Optional): (for example, parents and grandparents; siblings; anything ‘cultural’ such as special markings in their bloodline etc)

** We include the option of grandparent / sibling / etc stats in order to help produce unique puppies even if a pair are plainer coloured. For example, two pure white parents don’t leave much room for exploration but with additional family stats, we can bring in new traits!

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Due Date: January 17, 2015

Pup 1 - Kaliska x Abaddon

Eye Color -Both eyes are a deep, midnight blue. However, a starburst of molten gold explodes from each pupil.

Coat Color - Her base colour is unsurprisingly a deep, stark black. However, it seems to almost become sunbleached its longest points; the backs of her legs, the long hair of her chest and undersides, her neck and her rump pale to a deep, burnt gold colour. It's quite subtle and yet, in direct sunlight, it seems to almost make her glow. Her most defined marking is a mask that encompasses the top portion of her head and face. It is a deep, burnt gold, though much more of a solid colour than her fringing. It drapes down the sides of her face, tapering out over the tops of her cheeks; her ears are gold, too, and the color wraps around her skull before tapering out as a V-like shape at the back of her head. A thick, messy black blaze cuts through the middle of the colour until her crown. Her brows are also still black, giving the mask a unique shape around her eyes. The insides of her ears are black. She also has white eyeliner-like markings in the inner corners of her eyes; the marks here are sharp and defined. Reference

Coat Type - Her fur is of average length and thickess but quite smooth. It gets bushy, however, at her tail and around her neck.

Height/Weight - 36inches / 122 pounds

Body type - She takes quite strongly after her father's side of the family with her slighter height and size. However, what weight she does have is muscle thanks to her mother. She has a petite, feminine build with long legs and a narrow waist. Really, she is almost like a slightly narrower, smaller version of her mother; long body and legs with lean, tight muscles. She will excel in her endurance but have more speed than her mother.

Pup 2 - Kaliska x Samhain

Eye Color - Her right eye is a piercing, glacial blue. Her left eye, however, is a bright gold-orange.

Coat Color - She is quite the odd one out, really, at least when her siblings are concerned. Her base colour is a pale, creamy gold hue just like her father. She has her mother's fringing, though in white; it peppers around the front of each ear and down her cheeks, leaving a blaze of her base colour that sweeps over her head. Her muzzle darkens to a truer gold, as does a 'blaze' of sorts in the middle of her eyes. The colour change is very gradual. Her ears also darken to a truer gold at their tips. Her front toes are white. She has her father's silver guard hairs, too, along her back beginning behind her shoulder blades. They're quite scattered and fine, giving him more of a sheen rather than a distinct colour. Reference

Coat Type - Long, thick but sleek and silky. It's of average thickness, however.

Weight / Height - 39 inches / 178 lbs

Body Type - It should come as no surprise that she takes strongly after her father, really. She has a dancer's build; long, lean and deceivingly strong. Her chest is broad and her lungs large, taking much of her mother's endurance. Yet, she is quick on her heels! She will be fast, agile and surprisingly long lasting. She has her grandmother's angular features, however, though they are not as extreme and instead, offer her an even more streamlined appearance.

Mother's Health: 8/10
This birth goes quite well, though it is surprisingly long just for two pups. By the second one, you will already be quite tired. However, there are no real issues, just weariness. It will take you a few days to really feel well again, as you'll be exhausted both mentally and physically. However, you will recover just fine!


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