The Lost Islands

This is no ordinary love

Nova waits for him to follow her, her bright blue eyes scanning the snowy surroundings again, still in relative disbelief that all this was real. It felt like a fairy tale and she was so happy. The young mare's mind was racing. She couldn't wait for her mother to get word of this, to see how well she was doing for herself already. Nova always assumed Evaline had never been truly loved and that's why she was so miserable all the time. She assumed Valentine had tried to love her, but by the time the two had met the damage was done. She just wasn't lovable. Nova assumed her mother would be jealous of her own happiness with Nephilim. She thought that her father would be relieved that she was going to be well taken care of. And happy for her too, of course.

It was so easy to get ahead of herself, to spiral deeper into these made up fantasies. It was what Nova had always been known for, the filly with her head in the clouds. In just a few hours, the young mare had dreamt up her whole life with Nephilim. She could see into their future and how much love would span between them. She imagined what their children would look like one day, and how admired she'd be by the rest of Nephilim's herd. Everything was just perfect.

He calls her name and the sooty mare is finally brought back to reality. She cocks her petite head to look at the golden-flecked stallion, who seemed to hesitate at the edge of the springs before joining her. The cheerful smile eventually faded from her lips as she listened to what the stallion had to say. Nephilim knew Valentine. Her dreams were shattering before her. "You fought?" She says shakily, her mind whirling with scenarios she didn't want to think about. Initially, she was less concerned about his relationship with Valentine than his intentions with Firethorn and Foxglove. Up until this point, Nova hadn't ever considered that Nephilim would be smitten with anyone but her. Even though they just met. She knew how ridiculous it sounded. "Oh..."

Was all she managed to say, with the gentle flick of her long and wavy tail. She looked away from him for a long moment as she considered her options. Nova really didn't have anywhere else to go, unless she wanted to go home to the Prairie. When she arrived on the islands, she was filled with hope and adventure. She wanted to scale every inch of every territory here, make bunches of friends and one day, fall in love. But then Nephilim showed up, and her brain moved quickly to rework all of her plans around him. All that mattered to her now was that she stayed here with him, and that he wanted her here. "Do you want me to stay?"

Vita Nova
3 | Mare | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky Back Splash | 15 hh | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use


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