The Lost Islands

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Basilio test

It had been a few days since a certain colt graced the land. Now he was a bit stronger than what he had been, no longer wobbly and easily curious. His mother, the roan woman, had filled him in on the quiet questions that raked his little mind. He knew now that the Lagoon was his home, a good place for men. He knew about the dark beast that had been there at his birth; his father. What he wanted to know now is where that so called father of his was. Mother would not answer that, and so the little boy who seemed so naive to the world silently plotted for days. Today was the day as his golden orbs, now slowly lightening, watched his Dam slowly doze into a peaceful sleep. He counted to himself for a minute to make sure she was out before parting from her.

The dark colt was soon trudging through the thick mud, making sure to keep to the higher grounds. Having noticed the mares kept to the deeper parts of the lagoon he suspected the men scouted out the edges, or near to it. The little bit of his tail flapped happily with his hidden excitement. This was going to be his biggest adventure since out his mother.

As that thought really processed in his head, the boy could not hold it in any longer. He gave a childish giggle and seemed to bounce forward instead of taking slow cautious steps. What happened next is possibly the reason why his mother always had to remind him to walk and not run. When his little legs all meet the ground again, the slick mud under them cause them slide and send the now frightened boy forward in a tumble. He landed in a heap among a pile of thorny vines. Standing on mud caked legs, he gave his head a firm shaking, having hit it against the tree the vines hung from. Narrowing his eyes at the offending pointy things that clutched at him, he went to move forward but that only caused a squeak of pain to escape him.

The vines seemed to wrap securely around his back half, preventing him from bolting unless he wished to leave skin behind. So much for an adventure. With his bottom lip trembling, he tried calling to his mother unaware that he had wandered to far for her to hear. maybe someone else would hear though.

Colt - Mutt - Chestnut Tovero - 15.2hh(wfg)
Braylen X Rufina
html by shiva; played & colored by Meggieboo; lines by Vizseryn


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