Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.



And When The Dead Walk The Earth
All The Living Will Fill These Coffins

She was alarmed at first but the face of the man she met in the mountains - the King. Her sapphires calmed and her hackles went down as he spoke. "You hardly need to raise your blades, Lucaya. If I wanted you hurt it would have been done already." His tone was warm. She gave a soft chuckle to the dashing devil. "You just always know how to find me, don't you?" She gave a soft smile as she looked across the frozen river. She turned her cranium and spphires to face the King himself. "You have quite the kingdom - And quite an interesting court if I must say. It's kind of nice being around other living bodies of the same kind of mindset, dark pasts and so forth." She sighed softly, her liquid voice was still as strong willed as the day she met him. "I miss my crown, but I see no reason to go back. There was nothing there for me besides my rein. As far as I could see, they were more my parents court than anything." She say on her rump, curling her plume around her body as she sat for a chat with the King.

She began to think about it. How did they really serve her? Then again anger would seem to plegue the land if she dared to mess with any of them. The system they had there was perfect yet most of the court had left along with the fall of Damian and Kanaya. Her clan had been here in Blossom for three years now. It was obvious to her that her grandparents whom she had never met were dead. Luce and Lanaya. That was how Damian decided her name. Yet Thyrius and Signless had no reasoning behind their names that she knew of. She stood for the it greatness that was in their bloodline. She was born to lead, yet what was their to lead now? She gave a soft sigh. "If you will have me stay here then I suppose that is all I could ever ask for." She spoke, looking him in his flecked rubies with her own sapphires.

OOC: I'm glad you like it!!! Any time, it was really fun to put together! :)

"What could be more beautiful than death?"
And At The End Of The World
I'll Remember To Bring You Flowers

||Lucaya||Lovers||Malignant Felicity||Adult||Metalhead||


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