At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Time heals all most things...I heal the rest

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The fae apparently had not even noticed that she was injured, as curiously she turned her gaze from Hellene to her pads, before she returned her attention to the timberess. 'I could hardly ask you to do that. You have such little supplies, and I'm sure your pack is in far worse condition...' The ess smiled hesitantly at Hellene before returning the conversation to Aurora's attack. 'What attacked your pack?' At the memory of it, Hellene growled and shook her head. "A stray pack of wolves entered, hoping to steal our lands and our resources - not from around here, mind you, but outside of Blossom Forest as a whole. They were willing to slaughter an entire pack in order to steal our home. But we disposed of them - to a tee... Though we did have some losses of our own."

A soft whine pulled itself from her maw at the thought of the two Saw Tooth wolves who had died helping Aurora Borealis protect their lands. She had not known Henadin... But she had known Daenerys. The fae had been her student, and Hellene was torn by the thought that she would never again attend one of Hellene's healing lessons. But there was nothing that could be done now... Nothing at all.

"I would not offer it up if I did not have things to give. The winter has essentially come to an end, though I cannot say that the deep mud and flooding will bring plants back any faster than the winter did. We can at least offer you shelter, and some of our wolves can bring back their excess food after hunting so that you can rest until your pads are healed. Kalgalath always tells us to help others... Let me help you." It was odd that Hellene was being so kind to this stranger. Perhaps it was partially due to the fact that she was not within the boundaries of Aurora Borealis, and did not feel a need to be protective. Or, perhaps, it was because with Daenerys' death she had been reminded of how short life was...


||Hellene|| ||I hold my own heart|| ||Aurora Borealis–Delta || ||Adult|| || Mother to Khaleesi, Destan ||


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