Re(4): Large Cat IP: Posted on February 19, 2016 at 03:43:50 PM by Cynthia
the noise I heard the other night Feb 17 2016 was creepy as all hell.. I have heard everything in my woods from owls, coyotes (we have tons of them) fox, bears, deer, moose, coons fishercats. and this was NOTHING like what I have ever heard in my life. If I was camping and heard that I would run for my car. The ML I saw years ago (14) I was told I did not see by the F&G. I know what I saw. My husband saw it and we were like HOLY CRAP. I know a bobcat. And it was not a bobcat. Was disappointed they bushed me off. But was really listening to the sound and searching the web and it does not resemble too much of a bobcat but similar to what I found of a ML.. but could be one or the other.. who knows... if its a bobcat cool.. if it is ML totally cool! I will keep my ears open and eyes alert as I want to see if I can hear this again or catch a photo. I am going to put up dear cams in that back to see what I can get. I think I found tracks.. but not 100% sure. Replies:
Re(5): Large Cat - By dennis pflegerMarch 21, 2016 at 06:14:10 PM