Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


WHAT IF I CANT FORGET YOU [ dream drop - metalhead ]


Sunshine, there aint a thing you can do that'll ruin my night. His mind seered with painful memories of his old mate, whom had left him for another, much.. well.. nicer and more open male. Well, screw her. He really didn't give a damn about that. Alastair shook out his coat, his body tense as he stood at the edge of the feild. Now here was somewhere he hadn't been in a long while. Blossom Feild, half of it had been scorched by a dangerous flame, leaving it black and ashy. What a sight. This almost represented his personality. What a coincidence. His maw parted as he took in the scents that were lingering over the feild, his breathing soft and gentle like the wind. His greyish eyes were dull, gazing slowly around the area. Alastair, what in the name of God are you doing here? he thought as he shrugged slightly, slowly padding forward. Where ever his large feet would take him, that's where he would go.

"Nobody prays for the heartless.." he murmured to himself, reminding him of what his father had told him when he was younger. No one would even settle for less than the most prized wolf in Blossom. Greediness was always a thing. But Alastair didn't want that. If anything he wished for someone he could settle down with.. maybe have a family with. He knew that was crazy, who would ever love a brute such as him. "A brute such as me." the titan's voice softly could be heard from a little ways away. Blossom Feild was quieter than it had been when he had first gotten there. Slowly he looked up, choosing this moment. That's when he saw the small body a snow white fae, lying there in the flowers. Now who on earth would be sleeping here?

Slowly he paddeed over to her, wondering if this were some joke. He reached his muzzle down, nosing at her side to see if she was alright. He raised his eyebrow slightly in confusion before nuzzling her again to see if she would wake. "Wake up, I don't think that this field is the best to sleep in, darling." Hoping to wake her up with his voice, he lowered his haunches to the ground and wrapped his tail around his paws.


♔ Alastair ♔ Adult ♔ Bloody Titan ♔ Loveless ♔ No Spawns ♔ Rouge ♔ Keanah ♔

METALHEAD Production


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