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Return to Lunar Children

Oh me oh my

How long have rp’d for?
- I wanna say something along 18 years... XD im an old hen in the rp world lol

What type of RP was your very first (canine, horse, big cat, fantasy etc..)?
- it was honest to god wolves on Horseland lol

What was the name of your very first RP character?
Very first was actally three, Acid Night, Witch Doctor and... I cant reme.ber the third for the life of me. All on Bequanna back when as riley said everything was in 'orbs' and 'twin daggers' eh, we all start some where lol.

How long have you been at LC?
- i wanna say 2-3 years xD

Who was your very first character at LC and where are they now?
- everchime, she is dead and haunting glorall shores looking for her lost love and imprint.

Who was the very first person to post with you at LC?
- sol with pan xD

Do you have a signature character (does not have to be from LC), one everyone knows you for? If not, do you have a favourite character you love to write the most?
- muuuufasa! He was from liridon and one of my fave all time fave ponies xD

What inspired you to make that character?
- truthfully he was made after the disney version but he slowly became more warped and twisted as time moved on and his character progressed and he became a sadist, raping bastard that everyone loves to hate to this day. There are players out there to this day that sudder at the mention of his name and he is banned from some games because of his vulgar past lol

Are there any other writers in the RPG t that inspire you, that you admire or that push you to be a better writer?
castle, sol and ayita are my biggest inspiration, as well as Nikki and Tricky from Liridon. They all push me with imagination and how far I can push myself to create amazing characters and to keeeep posting!

In real life, what authors do you love to read?
- i have to say Im not as avid a reader as I used to be, i dont have a fave auther so much as a genre, im high into magic/mideavel sorta books with dragons and knights and merlinesq magic!

Is there anything else unique or interesting about yourself you want to share? Share a random fun fact or two about yourself.
- i am always o the verge of making (what i think) an awesome game but life always throws me a curve ball and I either never complete them, do complete but never open or open and watch it fail miserably. But I keep trying and shall do so till one succeeds lol

Last of all, choose some of your characters from LC, tell us a few little known facts about them.
dieloch aka aides, thinks he is a god and has a special lady that no one knows about that he met before Illy and misses greatly but he wont tell anyone.
Vainglory actually thinks he is to handsome to love anyone properly, also believes his family is cursed to never find their soul mates.

  • >.> -
    Fun Times! -
    Ooooh!! -
    > -
    Oh pick me! -
    Mine! -
    Ooh -
    X -
    Hmmmm -
    My Turn!:D -
    me, me! -
    -waves- -

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