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me, me!

How long have rp’d for?
i think i joined my first rp site right before i turned 12, so about 6 years!

What type of RP was your very first (canine, horse, big cat, fantasy etc..)?
it was a multispecies fantasy RP, but mostly wolves or dogs were played there. it's sadly pretty dead now, though :(

What was the name of your very first RP character?
Alavera! (yes... like aloe vera)

How long have you been at LC?
i think about 2 years! i believed i joined january 2014.

Who was your very first character at LC and where are they now?
Orion, he is living happily in diveen with his mate and his children.

Who was the very first person to post with you at LC?
Meryl! we had a thread with Taliesin and Orion!

Do you have a signature character (does not have to be from LC), one everyone knows you for? If not, do you have a favourite character you love to write the most?
i guess my 'signature' character would be Orion since we share the name, but my favorite character to write currently is his son Jaeger.

What inspired you to make that character?
Jaeger actually used to be like an eternal puppy which was super cute but i had no muse for him. so i decided to shake things up and have the innocence beaten out of him. so i guess lack of muse made him who he is now, but he's become one of my favorites!

Are there any other writers in the RPG community that inspire you, that you admire or that push you to be a better writer?
oh boy... i know in the very early days me and Meryl played on the same site and back then she really inspired me to write longer, more indepth posts. i used to write on a horse rpg called Remnant and there was where my writing really began to flourish i think, iirc they had a fairly high word minimum. but really everyone on LC has a unique style that inspires me!

In real life, what authors do you love to read?
stephen king, hp lovecraft, edgar allan poe, and a lot of old russian literature. i tend to pick up books i think are interesting though without considering the author, so i actually don't have a lot of consistent favorites.

Is there anything else unique or interesting about yourself you want to share? Share a random fun fact or two about yourself.
i am a poet- that's my real passion! i want to become a famous poet one day, i'm slowly working my way there but it's far more difficult than expected!

Last of all, choose some of your characters from LC, tell us a few little known facts about them
Orion: he had a brother who was murderous and evil and tried to kill their mother. Orion had to fight him off and nearly killed him, he doesn't know if his brother is alive or not. his father also left before he was born, which is why he is so concerned with being a good father.

Viserys: he is very possessive over those he forms a bond with, and is terrified of the prospect of them ever leaving him. him and his adopted sister, Aurai, also had feelings for each other when they were younger.

  • -waves- -

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