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How long have rp’d for?
16 years. Found my first site, Wolf Mountain, while browsing ads for Petz sites XD Specifically Boardwalkers if anyone here ever played Petz extensively. It is an awesome game (the old ones, Petz 4, by PF Magic, not the terrible new ones after Ubisoft bought the brand) So I suggest you check it out!

What type of RP was your very first (canine, horse, big cat, fantasy etc..)?
It was wolf based, but you could play many other species, pretty much whatever you wanted other than that there were certain Dragon species and you had to earn them. It was a fantasy rp with many powers too.

What was the name of your very first RP character?
Her name was Kamen, but I did not play her much. I instead played my second character, her brother Lone Zelda (Lz) for many, many, many years!

How long have you been at LC?
I joined in October 2012. I am going on 4 years this year! :D

Who was your very first character at LC and where are they now?
I joined RAINBOW and Yojimbo on the same day, with Andromeda the day after. RAINBOW is frolicking as an old lady in Hiatus land. Yojimbo is currently visiting Spirane after traveling back from his homeland.

Who was the very first person to post with you at LC?
Kite! It was Yojimbo and Isola, where they watched fire. It was the beginning that led to him being the adviser of Diveen after the meteor!

Do you have a signature character (does not have to be from LC), one everyone knows you for? If not, do you have a favourite character you love to write the most?
Lz was my signature character for many years. Since it was a fantasy site, some magic happened that caused him to grow very massive. He also had golden wings, and was known for being just and kind. Not sure who my signature character would be here. Probably Andromeda even though I haven't played her much lately. My favorite to write is probably Celeste or Flare, Ava is pretty fun tooo.

What inspired you to make that character? Lz's inspiration was...I have no idea, it was 16 years ago. Andromeda is a name my boyfriend called me back in the day, and I love black wolves and stars so :)

Are there any other writers in the RPG community that inspire you, that you admire or that push you to be a better writer?
Even though she is not here at the moment, Chloe has always been my inspiration, along with many others though! I am not that great of a write so I look to everyone! :)

In real life, what authors do you love to read?
This is a big reason I am not a great writer. I only read required books in school and almost nothing else. I have read Neuromancer and Hyperion in my spare time (sci-fi) but that is it. I preferred to rp instead of read books when I was younger, which was fun but did not help develop my writing by reading advanced works. I read Hyperion within the last 6 months and the writing just blew me away. It made me realize how not reading really held me back in my own writing.

Is there anything else unique or interesting about yourself you want to share? Share a random fun fact or two about yourself.
I work out 4 times a week and have goals of becoming quite fit which has been coming into fruition as of late. I also enjoy photography just don't share it often. I have a minor in Mandarin Chinese and love watercolor even though I haven't dabbled in either in a long time D:

Last of all, choose some of your characters from LC, tell us a few little known facts about them.

Flare is physically capable of speaking but wasn't around anyone who spoke until adulthood and ended up with Tobias who never spoke to her...so she just never learned and at this point wouldn't be capable of learning much since her mind simply does not work that way.

Vega feels very insecure and feels guilty about losing Paravana, and is happy to not have the pressure of Queen on her shoulders anymore! She never felt she was good enough!

  • Oh me!! -jumps in pile- -
    Oh me oh my -
    >.> -
    Fun Times! -
    Ooooh!! -
    > -
    Oh pick me! -
    Mine! -
    Ooh -
    X -
    Hmmmm -
    My Turn!:D -
    me, me! -
    -waves- -

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