Announcement and Raffle! All in! - " />

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Announcement and Raffle! All in!

Hello LC!

We have an announcement to make! We would like to welcome Riley to the staff! She is now available to assist with anything that the staff does to help with the site.

Along with that, since many of us on staff were wanting practice on our art, we decided to hold a raffle! You can potentially win one of 9 prizes. All you have to do is fill out the form below with the character you are entering. We just ask that it is a character currently on the members list that you plan on staying active with (so no characters on hiatus or not joined yet).

We will then use to determine the winners! You can only win one prize, so there is plenty to go around!

1. Full Manipulation by Lz with HTML by Riley
2. Full Manipulation by Riley
3. Full body drawing by Meryl
4. Drawing or Manipulation by Sol
5. Drawing or Manipulation by Sol
6. Headshot Drawing by Meryl
7. Headshot Drawing by Meryl
8. Headshot Manipulation by Lz
9. Headshot Manipulation by Lz

Enter by replying to this thread, and filling out the below form for the character you are entering:

Character Name:
Eye Color:
Fur color/type:
A brief description of their personality:
Tone for the image:

The raffle entries will close in 1 week, and then the winners will be picked! Good luck :D


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