IrreparablyBreakable [Elijah&Open] - " />

Malignant Felicity is a paradisaical abode to the faithful remains of a mighty pack. Once ruled by the magnificent wolf Genocide, now the wolves of this pack follow the laws of the Alpha Lance, son of Sorna, Beta and Genocide's best friend...

The sounds of crashing water fill your auds as you enter this tropical paradise. The tall trunks tower above you. The treetop canopy's seem to shade the beautiful land from the sun's rays. What a paradise this place seems. This place dubbed Malignant Felicity. As you draw closer to the boarders a stench slowly devours the air around you. The stench of death.

"Beware..." scream the birds from above you. "She kills for games. She kills for fun." Something deep inside tells you to listen. Your body tells you not to go no further. Do you listen or do you dare move into the pack borders. This could be a life or death decision...

Follow the Queen, or become a corpse that lines her border. The choice lies with you.


IrreparablyBreakable [Elijah&Open]

One day, none of this will matter...

Creaking limbs and the sporadic crack of lightening and thunderous rumbles echoed through the tropical purgatory. The depth of midnight of the sky is lost in the tumultuous swirl of stormy clouds above. Grays, blacks and deep purples roil and toil creating a menacing masterpiece of oil colored clouds. There is a gentle sprinkle of rain falling over the terra, betraying the lurking shadows and deluge that threaten the occasional passerby. For it was not the wolves of Malignant that would feel threaten by this massive storm, for they had a much larger basilisk in their midst. The brindled titan at their helm, the devil incarnate, would be their demise should they ever reach one. And those who did reach an untimely, fateful death? Well that was of their own faults and stupidity. Malignant Felicity, as it was formally known, was not a pack for those seeking shelter. Should one have dared to come towards the border they would be met with a greeting resembling the gateway to Hell. And they ought to hope that the gods would take mercy on their souls and deliver them to the Master of perdition before they faced any of his hounds. For it was he that was likely to listen to their pleas, the mastiffs at his heels would not be so kind. Their twisted souls only cared for those who had been welcomed into the blood of the fold. And the wispy, transparent shadow was no exception. Azriel was a daemon unto herself, unholy by even the standards of her peers.

The blinding flashes of lightening hid her slithering figure from the view of prying eyes and her paws danced across the wetted earth in silence. She left no trace of herself, preferring to wander and slip through cover of darkness unobstructed by the presence of another. She had been through this routine motion many a night, her pools of fire and brimstone searching out those for an inclined liking of obscurity. She had found none yet and had made effort to seek out in the day time. Azriel was a night owl, her sleeping habits opposed many of those around her. Her life revolved around the rise and fall of the moon. In the creeping shadows of twilight she would begin her morning and with first showing of those same lightened rays she would fall back into the depths, waiting once more for the protection of nightfall. But tonight, tonight she would twist and twirl into the nonexistent rays of morning because the raging gale would bar the rise of the crowned sun.

Azriel leapt above the gushing, swell of a river. Her fur held a sheen of inner light as her figurine arched over the rushing rivulet. The soft splash of her paws blended into the tumultuous crashes of the river as she slipped away back into the abyss of Malignant. Her embers of fire searched none one of sustenance for she did not live to feed on those who served. Not even Elijah could be an exception to that rule. No matter how much the onyx striped hellion aggravated her, it gave her no real excuse to use him. She could only imagine how bitter his blood would have tasted and how wasteful it would have been on her part. Azriel would have to leave sooner or later to find something that could fulfill her desires but tonight was not that night, she would have to find a smaller creature to quench the cravings until she found herself time to escape. Mud covered stilts slid to a stop, hellish portals slicing towards the shiver of a shadow. Her crème pinnae swiveling to catch to audible pitter patter of paws against soaked pine needles. And with lightening reflexes the ivory shadow was upon the hare, its scream cut off with a single bite to its nape. The crack of bone and scrape of teeth against it sent shivers of excitement down the wisp’s spine. The last blip of its heart beat pulsated through her nerves as she lifted its limp body from the ground. Azriel licked at the bite wounds, pulling the slow dribble of its blood across her tongue. Its coppery tang the equivalent of honey suckle running over her taste buds.

Azriel stepped out the undergrowth and laid herself upon the bank of the swelled gullet. Her fangs glinted in crimson fluid as she pulled them out of the hare. A inhaled a breath of air letting her senses take note of anyone that might have approached her. If they were lucky enough to see her now earthen laden figure laid across the bank. Azriel blended almost flawlessly into the silt and soil, only the eyes of an expert would have been to spot the femme fatale. The clap of thunder covered the sound of her maniacal giggle, before she sank her teeth back into the fleshy prey sucking away the rest of its precious life source. Azriel did not discard the body but rather let it lay there in her paws, looking as if it was in a restful slumber. The cover of darkness hiding two delicately placed holes in its nape and the daemoness that held it. Should anyone stumble upon her, they would not come out unscathed. The mud slicked assassin was ready to play.

AzriealSeeker of TruthReaper of InformationAlesana


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