
Where the magic happens...
Wanting your own adorable hoard of fluffy puppies? You’ve come to the right place!
In winter, parents post their stats (alongside any other relevant stats such as grandparents etc.) in the below format. Staff then roll dice to determine if you conceive. If you do (congratulations!), Staff will then roll some more dive and perform some magic in order to produce your puppy stats.
You can view how we do that magic right here!

Certain prizes, such as ‘Pick Your Own Litter Size’ and ‘Custom Stats’ must be used before Stats are posed, whereas ‘+1 Puppy’ can be used after. If in doubt, check with Staff!

Once Stats have been posted, players may post in response claiming and naming puppies. Once spring begins, the mother’s player must reply to the thread with a link to their ‘birthing post’ on the appropriate date unless an extension has been requested.

Parent Stats
* post for both father/mother
Height / Weight:
Eye Color:
Body / Fur Type: (be detailed! long, short, thick, whispy, scruffy fur; brawny, willowy, wide set ears, a tail that’s a little crooked – everything helps!)
Fur Colour: (be specific with markings, and include references if you want!)
Other Stats (Optional): (for example, parents and grandparents; siblings; anything ‘cultural’ such as special markings in their bloodline etc)

** We include the option of grandparent / sibling / etc stats in order to help produce unique puppies even if a pair are plainer coloured. For example, two pure white parents don’t leave much room for exploration but with additional family stats, we can bring in new traits!

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STATS (edited)

Due Date: May 5th

Pup 1
Taika x Edrick
(a coin was flipped to determine parentage)

Eye Color: Her eyes are both a lovely, pastel shade of lilac. However, there are flakes of gold that radiate towards her pupil, almost forming a sort of scattered 'burst.'

Coat Color: She has no real discernible 'base colour' - in fact, this girl seems to be content sourcing her colours from nearly each and every relative. Her top line (like an oversized saddle) is a dark grey, darkening to an almost perfect black at her ears, cheeks and behind her shoulders. However, the colour cuts off at her face, revealing a soft honey-blonde mask. There is a small "V" of grey down her forehead. The mask covers the shorter fur of her cheeks but fades to a soft white at her chin and near her nose; this white continues down her chest and covers her undersides. She has the same honey-blonde on her shoulders, flanks and her legs. Her legs fade to white at her paws. Her tail tip is also white, though the rest of her tail is the same dark grey as her top line. Like this.

Fur Type: Average in thickness but fine in texture. It is soft and almost silken. It shortens over her legs and face.

Height/Weight: 35 inches / 113 lbs

Body type: She is a fine throwback to the other women in her family; her legs are a little too long for her build, making her almost appear delicate with her fine fur and yet, her muscles are smooth and athletic. She seems built entirely for agility with disastrously feminine charms to boot. She will be fast and nimble, her father lending her enough muscle to be a formidable hunter. She is not quite as dainty as her mother and yet, she shares the same whimsical, delicate facial features.

Pup 2
Taika x Los
(a coin was flipped to determine parentage)

Eye Color: Both her eyes are a deep red. However, there are cracks of gold that seem to originate from the pupil and the iris itself is ringed in a deep almost-black colour.

Coat Color: Sorry, Taika! But your daughter seems to be a follower of her father's bloodline. Her base colour is a very pale grey, almost white in fact. However, it lacks the blue undertones of her father's line and, instead, has the slightest of blonde tints to it. This creamy colour is more noticeable over her flanks, neck and over her forehead. She sports a heart-shaped mask, however, of pure white. She also sports her grandfather's unique wing-like markings; beginning behind her legs, a medium grey sweeps up diagonally towards her rump. This grey is peppered with a deeper shade, giving it a dyanmic feel. It also spreads out onto her topline and over the top of her ruff. However, her ruff is heavily streaked with black that intensifies into a thick, solid black dorsal stripe. This dorsal stripe cuts off at her rump and fades out over her tail, which is a unique combination of black and grey with a tan undercoat. The tip is pristine white. Her ears are also peppered with grey, though they solidify in colour to a rusty-tan at their tips. Quite a bit like this.

Fur Type: Average in length, though a little shorter over her face and legs. However, it is quite thick and soft to the touch. It is also a little longer at her tail and around her shoulders and neck.

Height/Weight: 32 inches / 123 lbs

Body type: She takes quite a bit after Taika in her physique, with a small and delicate appearance. She is lithe and athletic looking with long legs and natural grace. She is quite rangy thanks to her grandmother, Malina, and yet her father's size gives her enough bulk to look a little more soft. She will be swift, nimble and yet decently strong - a light footed all rounder.

Mother's Health: 4/10
Though the birth will go smoothly, it is the season after that takes its toll. Throughout the spring, you will suffer anemia despite your efforts. Your fur may thin and you may become out of breath easily, even light headed at times. However, so long as you have a mate, pack or imprint to help you during such a time, you will recover just perfectly by the start of summer.


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