Simcoe County Bird and Nature Board. POSTS MUST INCLUDE FULL NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS OR THEY WILL BE DELETED FROM THE BOARD. Banners at top of page cannot be blocked but are not part of the page. BOB BOWLES
Return of the Woodland Drive Osprey Pair

As you may remember last year, this pair of nesting Osprey lost their nest with young in it last in the nesting year. The nest was ripped apart from the inside by the nesting female. They had used rope in the nest and she got her leg caught up in fishing line with tangled with the rope and she pulled the rope out of the nest causing its collapse and it fell to the ground. She was very upset for three weeks around the nest site but finally left the site. I have been checking daily for their return. There were none yesterday. The Courtland Avenue pair in Atherley lost their nest two years ago when a stick contacted a line conductor and caused a fire. The nest burnt and fell to the ground. This was earlier in the nesting season and they did not attempt to nest again. But did the following year. They returned on April 7th, Rama Road pair on April 10th. Still waiting for the Woodland pair. Let me know if you see them since they will have to build the nest again and I want to know how long it takes.


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