During the day, sentries guard the sleeping. When the sky is dark and the moon dances with the stars, this is when the real fun begins. Munashii Gekko's forest is the only haunt where you can find your local misfits all in one place. A land of the forbidden and forgotten, a place that is riddled with dangers of a whole different kind. The wolves here have long misplaced their rightful minds, and now live like creatures damned to prowl and lurk through the night. It's easy to lose yourself here, sanity was sure to fade away and wither; there was never anything normal about this nefarious nest. The silent threats that whispered in the breeze were enough to deter even the largest of demons around. It was not strength nor wit that ensured your survival here with Eric, and challengers would be torn down with a morose lethality - there was nothing left in his cold blue eyes that promised mercy to anyone who dared to overstep their worth. So, would you give up the sun for the moon and stars? Do you have enough vigor to become a well regarded sentry? - Put on a game face to step up and pass the sepia king's test or turn and leave before he catches your scent. You never know who wants to snack on your delicious blood in this forest.


every scar will build my throne HORIZON CONTINUED

The two males walked side-by-side, away from the meeting area. Titan once again had to take the pricker field slowly and, despite his best efforts, he knew he would end up with at least three or four of the spiny bastards clinging to his thick pelt. Horizon probably had better luck. Titan wasn’t quite as tall as his comrade but he was built much broader. The maned wolf definitely had a certain advantage at maneuvering this particular breed of obstacle course. After making it through the menacing thicket, he gave himself a once over and pulled out the few prickers that had tagged along. With that, his scarlet paws beside Horizon’s charcoal set began down one of the many paths veining through the territory.

Neither of them really took the lead and their direction wasn’t intentional. They focused more on each other than on the path that lay out in front of them. Before speaking, he considered their reason for meeting first, thinking over exactly what Horizon had said. “I do not know what Ameira has told you of me or my past, but if you would be open to it I would like to further discuss the intentions you have for the pack and whatever else comes up, one on one.” Well the first part of it was easy and specific enough to answer right away.

“I know you’re one of Ameira’s oldest friends in Munashii Gekko. Probably in Blossom Forest. I know you’re her most trusted ally within the pack; that much was proven with r rank compared to the others within the pack. Other than your relation to her, however, she didn’t really speak to your past or anything else about you.”

That spoke well of Ameira, in Titan’s opinion. As far as Horizon’s history was in regards to her, she was free to share, but anything beyond that? From before they met or that had nothing to do with her? She was right to allow that to be his decision to tell or not. Most wolves were not as simple as they seemed. Titan himself had a loaded past, different levels of which may come to the surface as he deemed appropriate. He allowed a small break in the conversation for Horizon to speak – either to elaborate more on his own past or perhaps ask Titan of his own. The large lupine ducked beneath a low overhanging branch as they continued their trek through the pack land.

In more ways than one, this was a fresh start for Titan. There was a lot of new in his life right now. The new position and new family and new direction for is life. It was a good thing and he had made a decision to stay focused on just the good right now. He had been trying to keep any invasive thoughts of Akina of out his mind while dealing with official pack business but he couldn’t help feel a tinge of sadness as he walked through his new home, wishing she was at his side for it. Outside of the obvious ways he missed her on a personal level, having her at his side probably would have gone a long way with the pack, too. She was so naturally soft and warm. Akina made people feel at ease with her presence and he had seen strangers talk to Akina like they’d known her their entire life within five minutes of meeting her. It was very contrasting to the usual first intimidating impression that he tended to leave with people. He was usually what stopped Akina from allowing herself to be a door mat. At least when they were younger. She had actually grown a lot in her confidence and sense of self-preservation since then, just as his people skills had grown beyond investing nothing in others and expecting respect without earning it. Yeah, he still had some inner angst and unresolved issues the same as anyone else, but he had grown a lot since the days of his youth. Since he and Akina had first gotten together. He never thought he would reach such a great place like he had today without her at his side for it, but he owed it to her to not let her absence halt his potential to grow this pack.

Not only to Akina, he owed it to the wolves that had just pledged themselves to him – some willingly and some begrudgingly and most with understandable hesitation. They promised loyalty and the opportunity to earn their trust just as he promised in not so many words to lead the pack into a thriving, successful community. After answering any questions the other wolf had and finishing the first phase of conversation, he would change the subject and turn a question onto Horizon.

“So what are you looking for, Horizon? What’s your ultimate goal? I know it’s a big question. Mine was easy to answer… find a pack to lead. I’ve known since I was young that was what I was reaching for. I’ve had roadblocks, most of which were put there by me, but I’ve found my pack and now I have to fulfill the goal to the finish line which is leaving the pack better than I’ve found it. Maybe investing in someone to take over once I’m too old to make any more difference. But what’s yours? What are you hoping to look back on from your deathbed and say ‘yes, I’ve done it.’”

Titan was groomed to believe he was the next best thing with no real potential practically since he was born. It was kind of contrived the way they did it; he was better than anyone else but he would never be good enough. Just from being born he deserved the world and the world owed him everything, but he would never actually achieve anything in it, especially not as much as Crimson Blood. It gave him a combination superiority-inferiority complex and that, on top of everything else his ancestors gave him, was a large part of the reason it he made his own life so fucking difficult for so long. Aside from all the strife it caused, being told he was so damn good and so damn important made the idea of one day being king a no-brainer, even at just a few months old. He was going to be in charge just like his father. Of course things are never as simple as they seem when we’re young. The idea of being a leader and what that actually meant too many different shapes over the course of his life and, even when it turned out not to be what he thought, the idea of not being an alpha one day never really crossed his mind. For power, for control, for prestige, for bragging rights. To prove himself to Black Skull and Crimson Blood and everyone else in Demonica. For all the wrong reasons, he had wanted to be a king.

Allowing himself to be molded and made better by Akina, becoming a father, and the humbling experience of living in Aurora Borealias after having been alpha there for a very short stint were all the main experiences in his life that really started to reshape what it meant to be a leader in his mind. This was a couple years ago now. He took time away from Blossom Forest and gathered wisdom and experiences from many places. He opened himself up to caring about more than just him and his family. He realized to do anything that mattered in this life meant doing things for others. To make his birth worth anything, to be an alpha as he’d always felt was his place in life, he needed to do right by the pack he came into. Enter Munashii Gekko. He had a vision of what the pack could become and luck had it that Ameira had similar ideas. The rest would be history.

So although his idea of what his life goal meant changed drastically, several times, over the years, he always had an answer for that question. It wasn’t as easy for other wolves. Most wolves weren’t born with expectations put on them the moment they greeted the earth. They weren’t raised in such a sadistic, convoluted family as his. For some life was just about surviving, everything else that came of it was just a bonus. There wasn’t really a wrong answer. The question was more about getting another layer of understanding of Horizon. Getting to know what was important to his heart and how that might fit within what Titan was hoping to do with the pack.

{||blood titan || male || alpha || munashii gekko || greensmurf||}


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