A Day On Carden Alvar Posted on May 12, 2016 at 11:37:15 PM by Bob Bowles
What a great day n the Carden Alvar first on Wolf Run Road and then on Alvar Road. Lots of plants in bloom. Early Saxifrage, Early Buttercups, Painted Cup, Barren Strawberry and Prairie Smoke all in bloom. Brown Thrashers dripping from the trees. I watched a Northern Waterthrush feeding along a vernal pool. Several other species of warblers observed. Lots of butterflies like Mustard Whites, Cabbage Whites, Spring Azures and Columbine Duskywings. American Emerald dragonflies are flying as well. Many species of mosses on the limestone pavement. While drawing the flowers in bloom, I saw several species of birds in the open areas like Northern Harriers, Bobolinks and Meadowlarks. Replies: There have been no replies.