Many wolves looking for relaxation come to Blossom Field. A gentle breeze vibrating the blossoming flowers is quite a sight to see and it is quite a favourite for wolves to come with their mates.

A recent fire has ruined the scenery, half the field covered with soot and marked with scars of the flames. The other half is untouched, however.


your red right ankle

Twilight had settled itself on the lands, and as the day's heat withdrew into the cooler night, all kinds of creatures began to stir. Faroe was among them. The day had been spent in the shade of a hollowed-out log, napping quietly with periods of wakefulness where he staved off hunger until the sun went down. He had risen with evening's arrival and set off in search of something to eat. The young male loped casually along the freshly-marked border of the flowering fields, cinnamon-dusted paws straddling the stark divide between ashy dirt and soft grass. The contrast was striking. Faroe hadn't seen fire before, and so had no idea what to attribute the burnt smell and sooty remains to. It fascinated him that the whatever had wiped out half of the fields seemed to have decided where to stop, fizzling out right where he trotted. Why? A force so destructive surely could have ruined much more than just half of a wildflower field. Had someone caused it? What had changed their mind?

A sudden gust of wind sent a whirling trail of ash his way, sprinkling his creamy coat with a fine layer of soot. His pinkish nose twitched as he paused and inhaled, which sent a shiver rattling up his spine and ending with a forceful sneeze. Faroe's head spun, and he dropped his rump into an abrupt sit. His thin summer coat stood on end, and he raised a paw to wipe at his nose, snorting lightly and getting the air-dancing ash-and-pollen blend out of his face. While he didn't have allergies (as far as he knew), perhaps exploring in the fragrant fields first thing was not the best idea.... Still, as his gray-green eyes swept the barren territory to his left and passed to the verdant landscape on his right, he couldn't help but be compelled. The youth sat and hunched his shoulders to the wind, turning his gaze to the night-darkened flower. His red-tipped tail flicked leisurely as he admired the flowers, thoughts breezing in and out of his mind like so much ash - swirling in a cloud or falling out of sight, nothing to linger on for too long. He was still hungry, and he certainly hadn't forgotten, but it was nice to take a rest.


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