Re(2): The elite are back

Helen, cougars have been present in small numbers all along in New England. The evidence is there, I don't have to stick up for it. Yes indeed, people see bobcats, housecats, fishers, and think they are cougars. Mainly people that have never seen any of the above. Not helped by the fact that we have a bobcat population explosion currently. But the people in the hilltowns here know what all the above look like. As for tracks, I have been in the woods and had a 500lb bear walk through and leave absolutely no sign. And it was hardly being stealthy. Same with moose. Tracks are opportunistic and relatively rare actually. We have gone over Michigan before. Remember how it took a decade to produce "evidence" except for sightings? Then they discovered the cats were right there all along? Sorry Helen, certain classes of witnesses are credible. If you take even a small percentage of them. A gentleman did a careful study and accounting of a few cats present in Western Massachusetts during the 1940-1950 period. He was a bobcat hunter (bounty), so no confusion there. It would do you well to get and read his accounts. Interestingly enough, they are being reported in the EXACT SAME areas today. We have had tracks and other evidence confirmed over the years that now are "unlisted". What about the class 1 confirmation at the Quabbin in MA in the late 1990s? DNA from a NORTH AMERICAN cat? Another wanderer from South Dakota? Posting constantly that there are no cougars is not scientific nor credible Helen.

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