The Lost Islands

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If this ain't love then how do we get out?

so tell me now, if this ain't love then how do we get out

The setting sun had casted a orange glow to the land. Audrina could feel the rays slowly fading from her glimmering chestnut coat. With a sigh she kicked up water from the river in a rather bored way. She had noticed company not too far from her, but the maiden was not about to go out of her way for some conversation. However, in her time of solitude she felt her chocolate orbs glance towards the splattered stallion’s direction. Her frame eventually turned towards the meadow in an effort to refuse the temptation of meeting the man. He was after all finding more interest in the shallow waves than any feminine company. ‘Men have such a small attention span,’ she thought with a huff.

The sound of laughter caught her attention, causing her ears to perk just a tad and her to look over once more. A bold grin was across the cream man and she couldn’t stop the small one that began to form on her own. The entire scene was amusing, she had to admit. Audrina watched his every movement and as he made his way closer, she gave him her attention by turning her splashed frame, fully facing the male.

As he bowed his head, she looked at him rather oddly. The maiden was not used to politeness from a man and it did through her off guard. It was peculiar to her, mainly because men usually held an air that they were better than their counterparts. It was refreshing in a sense, to be treated as more than an object; however, it gave her insight on how easily she could take control. Audrina merely nodded in response, a small snort erupted from her lips.

Her ears fully perked forward at his introduction and a smile escaped her lips. “Well, Alilill of Paradise,” she started playfully, “I’m Audrina, and I must say it is a pleasure to meet a king.”A giggle escaped her lips as she eyed the stallion, her gaze never leaving his splash form. Lucky for him she had a thing for multi-colored men, as they had the most intriguing pelts; that of course always got her into trouble. ‘But this mysterious man is far out of the league of him...’ she thought with a mental eye-roll.

“What are you doing here if you live in a home called, Paradise?”

Perhaps it was a blunt question, but Audrina could not help but wonder. She also wanted some insight on this Paradise as it may be her potential home, at least for the night.

paintxsaddlebred | black tovero | sixteen hands high | six | lagoon

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