The Lost Islands

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to die would be an awfully big adventure

With a shiver down her spine the gradient colored child moved forward, becoming more accustomed to these hooves and the surface beneath them she broke into a rough trot that after 200ft or so smoothed out into something lovelier. If Yejide could see her daughter now she would weep with joy in seeing Myrcella in a form so much like her own when she had been born in END and then the same when she had landed in Liridon. But she would also weep because she could not know the fate her daughter would meet here, a fate that was blocked from her visions as the smoke and dust and ash rose to hide the world beneath them.

Myrcella trips over fallen debris and rough land that has been forcefully moved against one another in chaotic resistance; as she adjusts her pace the child is desperate to find a way to some more clear air, to somewhere she can fully grasp what is going on. The clammy sweat is drying on that multi hued coat of blues and faint greens, she had viewed her shoulder to inspect what kind of body she was in exactly and found the colors calming and reminding her of home in a way. As she moves into more fresh air she inhales deeply just to find her hooves going from rough and cracked turf to… snow? Halting with a startled air Myrcella snorts with disbelief, lowering her muzzle to the crystalized ice she now shivers with the cold and unexpected now that it seems the nightmare is a little further behind her.

Shaking herself Myrcella moves forward, picking those dark legs up and high, careful of where she placed them. No good to break or injure something when she had barely adjusted to her body or where she was. It seemed she had ventured only a mile or so south when without much warning the landscape shifted into rolling fields of long bladed grass. Now the hair on the back of her neck would stand on end but Myrcella instead looked behind at the snowy scare and forward to the grassier and more comforting one, “Curious…” her voice is hushed, still her own, young and sweet and unknowing of true hate and fear or darkness.

“Talking goes here."

*e l y s e starlight, starbright, first star i see tonight
[character © reina 2004-present] [html and all content © reina]


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