The Lost Islands

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This wild-eyed girl was not for man, and from her dam had inherited power to stay silent. Usually Lillith wasn’t much of a talker, more of a survivor. She had gone three years passing to Fantasy only when the weather was unfit, and had lived out in the Gathering, looking for a man worthy of her time. Eventually she had found one, and settled. For the time being. But he was growing in power quickly, and soon enough he would snatch it, she was sure. After all, his father was of greatness as well. Why shouldn’t he be too? But after the death of her father Lillith had grown fond of Sleepy Hollow, the bay stallion had proven himself to her countless times as being a man worthy of her time.

After all, she had given him three beautiful children. First the beautiful and elegant Flaire, the red roan filly whose beauty was only tarnished by her disability of being deaf, next Lockjaw, who was the brawny dark bay colt who possessed his father’s very appearance. Lockjaw hadn’t been quite right in the head though. Selephia had been the female version of Lillith’s own father, and she prided on her daughter for baring such a striking resemblance. Then things in END started falling apart, Lillith moved into Liridon and met a random stallion, which was how her silver dappled daughter Odette had been born, and she had been such a frail child. But Lillith had loved her children, raised them fairly, taught them what they needed to know, and loved them.

Her black legs moved lipidly beneath her body, she was of a blood bay, though seemed to have black matted in crevices over her body, much like a dark bay but in reverse order. Her silver eyes peered out of a thick forelock, her nostrils flaring, she could smell the new equine, and curious as she was she would not quite venture into the territories. Four Seasons was not a place that Lil was accustomed too. But she’d make the best of it in time. Swinging her elegant body around slightly, raising her head Lillith blinked, watching carefully. Whisking her tail over her flanks, shooing away the flies that buzzed around, and with her ears poised forward Lillith looked almost… daunting. She was something beautiful, and yet she carried a certain air about her. It wasn’t arrogance, but Lillith wasn’t one to just settle for any stallion. Sure that made her sound stuck up but if she wanted someone to lead her he better be a man, not a boy.

to love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed…

XX… Fjord x Hybrid x Lustiano x Peruvian Paso … bay… 15.3hh… Ten
Four Children
Flaire [f] sleepy hollow
Lockjaw [c] sleepy hollow
Selephia [f] sleepy hollow
Odette [f] unknown stallion

Casanova x Haunted

[character © reina 2006-2010] [all content and table © reina]


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