The Lost Islands

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they fall in line, one at a time

His eyes followed the mare, his features falling upon the more stoic line. He watches her lips contort, and within the moment she speaks her voice and facial features change to almost cover the entire spectrum. Her coat does remind him of Paramour’s, but her frame is much lighter, and that had been enough reason at first. Now he had other intentions, though by what the word was he may not even get to go through with it. “Really now? I figured you’d be jumping with joy at the mere fact that there is to be a second ruling.”

Jack has known many women in his life, after having twenty-five children to carry on his lines there could never be any doubt of that. Watching her with care, he’s not all that keen to having her so close to him, should she decide to lash out he’d have little to no time to dodge. She was lighter, she would be much swifter than his more solid frame. Tilting his head slightly Jack rolls the muscles under his right hind leg slightly, hoof cocked on the sand. “You really shouldn’t assume, Mercury, you know the old saying don’t you?”

Had he had eyebrows he would’ve risen on in her direction, that last statement was probably the more coy one that has escaped his lips in months. The man was truly falling into his old self, and boy it felt good. Studying her for a moment, her features are strong, her voice is matching the look in her eyes, but as he travels down he observes her weakened limbs. Sighing Jack pushed himself forward, “Follow me,” it was not a suggestion, and turning his face back towards her, “you don’t want to be caught down here and exhausted when the tide rolls in.”

Those currents were even something Jack himself was sure he could not swim against, the last thing he needed was a body on his conscience. Contrary to belief Jack is not a monster, but he is an ambitious man, and will strive for what he wants. His gait isn’t brisk, as it normally is, he takes his time as he waits for Mercury, it would be another hour or so when the tide would start to roll in.


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