The Lost Islands

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They're Catching Onto Us

They said we'd burn so bright.
We burn this city and go.

She yawned, her jaws parting awkwardly, and the gray, soft skin of her lips reeling back to reveal two rows of young, but yellowed teeth. And then the mare snorted, if for no reason other than to just do something. So she snorted again, this time in conjunction with the annoying flick of her thick and flowing tail.

Maybe she was being foolish. Maybe this was a test of her maturity. But all it felt like to Nova was an eerily reminiscent quiet period like that time her mother dragged her to the mainlands to find Shamwari. What an utter disaster that had been. Part of her felt guilty for having finally abandoned the Bay. But another, more wistful part of her felt free. Maybe this was a sign. Maybe this was a second chance. She was so young. Perhaps she was meant to explore and meet as many others as possible before lusting after a stallion and settling down.

There were periods of time during her stay in the Bay that Nova truly felt like she loved Nephilim. That was still the hardest part in the wake of all of this. There were moments when she was with him that she was so happy she thought her heart would burst. She felt like the luckiest mare alive. But was it all just a dream?

When she thought too much about it she felt her blood begin to boil under her skin and heart beat kicked into high gear. It made her feel warm and light headed in a moment's notice. She felt frantic almost, scared about what this realization really meant. Is this what life was going to be like for her? This constant cycle of endless isolation forever?

As she looked around the empty meadow, she felt the panic begin to bubble up within her. Technically she was homeless. Immediately she started second guessing herself -- maybe she wasn't cut out for all this freedom and adventure. Her emotions coated her striking blue eyes in a extra layer of salty moisture. It was all she could do not to just collapse right there in a dramatic scene and sob. But then she spotted him.

Was this really happening? She was frozen, struck immovable by the golden flecked frame of Nephilim streaming casually by her in the meadow.

"This can't be happening." She said brashly, her tender voice cutting through the silence as she ambled over to him a brisk pace, her hips sauntering her weight from left to right with every sweeping, determined step. She halted after rudely running into him, her chest striking his before she backed up several steps, ears pinned and with a newfound venom behind her eyes. She studied him there, her heart sinking when she realized just how good he looked. He was virtually the same he was when she saw him last, those many months ago. That part hurt the worst. "You! I hate you! I hate you! How dare you come strolling through the meadow like you didn't just abandon all of us, leaving us there to freeze and die!" The mare is fuming, her nostrils flaring as she struggled to catch her breathe in between her shouting words. "I fucking loved you, like an idiot. And you just left." With that, the steely grey mare reared, kicking her slender front legs to slice at nothing else but air, before landing on all fours. There, she began to sob.

2 | Stallion | Evaline x Valentine | Smoky black pintaloosa | 15 hh | Photo © Carina Mailwald | © Vinyl
html by shiva for public use

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