If you haven't registered for the board yet, send me an email at rgunther@twcny.rr.com with the user name and password you want to use and we'll get things set up for you....but if for some reason I don't recognize your email or name, I'll be emailing you back for more info before putting your username in place.


Re(1): Great News Takers

If you want to try to name the top 14 in this year Classic, all entry must be posted by no later than Thursday Sept 1 2016, by 500pm est. I promise I will track you down if correct on all 14 with the top 2 pole sitters and they must be which one take the fastest time and the 2rd fastest, by Sept 5 or must gave me until Sept 15th, I will find you and gladly give up the $20.00 (twenty dollars). Thought this will be fun and give us all something to talk about.I will do mine on Sept 1 2016, by 12noon. ONE entry per email address from PINNER MESSAGE BOARD.LET HAVE SOME FUN.

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